New School

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A few mins later we arrived, i looked at the school, East High, there were so many people entering the building, hanging around.... Troy looked at me and then left, he left me all by myself! i don't know where to go! i just stood there waiting like if something was going to happen but nothing did, so i just walked into the building. 15 mins later i finally fond my class. i opened the door "Miss Montez?" A woman asked, i nodded "i am ms. Darbus, you might be new but you are still late!" she was scary "sorry, i got a little lost" i glared at Troy "fine, i'll let it slip this ONE time, you can sit down next to Ms. Smith" she pointed towards a girl who has short blond hair, green eyes, in a cheerleader suit and a face full of make up. I went ans sat next to her "hi, im Gabriella" i held my hand out "ok, and why would i care" she rolled her eyes.


I walked into the crowded land loud cafeteria, there were different tables with different people, i looked around trying to find a place to sit, i couldn't sit with Troy he was too busy making out with that blond. Then i saw a brown skined girl and another blond, they mentioned for me to come over so i did. "hi im Taylor and this is Sharpay, you new right" i nodded "Gabriella" "cool would you like to sit with us?" the blond smiles "yes please" they seemed really nice.


When i finished making out i looked over at Gabriella, ughhh, she was hanging out with those geeks! "yo! dude! what you looking at?" Chad, my best friend asked "uh, nothing just the geek table" Britney looked at me "i met that girl in class, she is wierd!  i rolled my eyes "give her brake, she's had a rough past" she looked at me "oh really?" oh no, she stood up on the table "HEY EVERYONE!!!!!! (everyone was silent at looked at her) i just want to welcome our newest student! Gabriella Montez! Troy has told me that you've had a rough past? (Gabriella just stared at her) A dead mother and a dad in jail, WOW! so your practacly and orphan (she laughed and then the whole school started chanting) ORPHAN! ORPHAN! ORPHAN!" Gabriella ran out of the cafeteria, i felt terrible "Britney! that was really mean!" she rolled her eyes "calm down baby, she deserved it!" i couldn't belive her! "you don't even know her!" Chad looked at me "dude, calm down, it was just a prank" i rolled my eyes "yeah whatever" 

After lunch i went to go look for Gabriella, "where the hell can she be? i've been around the whole school! the only place i haven't looked is the- wait, no way in hell is she there!!" i ran down the hall up the stairs through the passage and a door and up the stairs, i bursed throught a door, and there she was, sitting on a bench in MY secret place! "what the hell are you doing here??" she looked at me, her eyes were all red "well i wanted some alone time and i found this place" great "well you have to leave, this is MY place" mine and mine only "i don't have to do anything, i can stay here if i want" i glared at her "like hell you can!" she stood up and walked to me "what are you going to do if i don't leave?" was she really testing me? "oh Gabby, you wouldn't belive the things i could do" the stared at me "Troy, there's nothing you can do to hurt me, i've been through the worst, i've been in hell" she sat back down on the bench "whatever" i walked away, no way in HELL did she just tell me what to do.



School had just finished, i could see Troy in his car waiting for me, i got in "hello" he looked at me "hi" he started to drive "uhh, Gabriella, i would really appreaciate if you didn't tell my parents about what happened today" was he serious????? "and why not?" he looked at me with pleading eyes "they would ground me and Chad is having a huge party on Friday" suddenly i had an amazing idea! "fine, i wont tell them, under one condition, me AND my friends can come to the party" he looked at me like if i was crazy! "WHAT?!?!? hell no!!!" i sighed "Troy, would you rather go to the party and have me and my friends hanging around in the background or not go to the party at all??" he sighed "fine!" we shook hands and i smiled. 

We arrived home "hello Gabby and Troy, how was school?" Lucile was cleaning the kitchen "it was great! Troy invited me and some friends to a huge party!" Troy glared at me! im really getting on his nerves!!! "oh how nice" we went upstairs and i locked myself into my room before Troy could say anything, i looked through my closet for something to wear, NOTHING!! "ughhhhh" i grabbed my phone and called Taylor and Sharpay "girls, how about a shopping spree??"



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