Talking All Night

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1:30 in the morning

I can't sleep, i cant stop thinking about Gabby.....That's it! i got out of bed and walked into Gabriella's room and closed the door, it's so dark, i don't see anything! i jus- "OUCH!!" i hit my leg against the bed "Troy? is that you?" ouch my leg hurts "yeah it's me" she turned on the bedside lamp and i sat on the bed "what do you want Troy, its 1:33 in the morning!" she sat up, i looked at her, "i couldn't stop thinking about your diary" she sighed "Troy, just leave me alone!" she turned off the light, crap "Gabriella, can you please turn on the light again?" she turned it on "i know that your angry with me, and i know that i've been mean to you, but i just want you to know that you have my trust" what a speech "thanks, now you can go" no way in hell was i leaving "Gabs, talk to me" she sighed "what do you want me to say" i leaned against the pillow "everything, i want to be the person you can always talk to about this, Gabs what you delt with is horrible, and you've never talked to anyone about this, your keeping it in and its hurting you, it's giving you nightmares, flashbacks, it still terrorizes you" she looked at me with watery eyes, "Troy, i've held it in for 4 years, i think i can handle myself" i looked into her eyes, sadness "Gabriella, you shouldn't keep this in, it would help you if you talked about it" she looked at me "fine, but i don't know what to say" i smiled at her "how about, we go up to my tree house so may parents can't hear us, we can get some popcorn, ice cream and soda and you can tell me everything" i loved the idea, she nodded and got out of bed and put on a sweater, we went to the kitchen and got all types of snacks, then we went up to my tree house

That's it! i got out of bed and walked into Gabriella's room and closed the door, it's so dark, i don't see anything! i jus- "OUCH!!" i hit my leg against the bed "Troy? is that you?" ouch my leg hurts "yeah it's me" she turned on the bedside lamp...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Once we were comfy and began eating the popcorn i asked "what scares you the most? i mean, if he is in jail, why are you still scared" she thought for a moment "i guess my past still haunts me. i know its stupid but weather is in jail or not he still has control over me" i put some popcorn in my mouth "it's not stupid, its perfectly understandable" she sighed "since my mum died and my dad began beating me, i've just felt so useless, unworthy, like i didn't matter" her eyes began to water "hey, you are not worthless, your smart, kind, funny, beautiful" she looked at me "you think im beautiful?" i blushed "well, umm, you know, umm, yes?" she giggled and i turned really red "thanks Troy, you were right, it's nice to have someone to talk to about this" i smiled "no prob"


They spent the whole night talking, getting things off their chest, could this be the begining of a friendship?


fighting for loveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum