Chapter 29 Light and Darkness

Start from the beginning

When the first emotions subsided, Iplikci's grandfather spoke. He stroked his warm, woolen blanket and elegant man's hat from Italian straw with a trembling palm, he said:

"I also have a present." Omer, my son, give me the box.

The grandson fulfilled the request. Grandfather opened the lid and took out a silver teapot. The light of the chandelier was reflected in the glossy round sides with ornate patterns.

Omer held his breath, and grandfather smiled and put the gift on the round table.

- This is your home. Your grandmother's favorite teapot, Omer. Let there always be a lot of joy in the house and the smell of tea.

"Thank you," Defne breathed, and spellbound, she traced a finger оn the intricate pattern. - It is very beautiful. We will кееp it and someday will give it to our grandchildren.

"Amen," the family unanimously supported her words.

"And now a present for you, daughter," Hulusi smiled affectionately at Defne. "A bird brought me a word that you and Omer are creating a jewelry company." Good idea, but it needs money.

"Grandfather, there is money," Omer assured him. Passionis invests an amount equal to the price of forty percent of the shares. This will be my share and Sinan's. I will contribute Defne's share from my own savings.

"And now listen to me," the elder Iplikci raised his index finger. "Your savings will be needed for your children." And mine was waiting for this very day. I invest money on behalf of Defne. And don't argue," he ordered as the grandson and his wife opened their mouths to resist.

- Defne brought light to my life. She returned my grandson, and you," he turned to Omer, "made me happy." This money is the least I can thank her. Therefore, I beg you - do not offend me. Do not refuse.

Omer and Defne looked at each other. Defne nodded slightly, Omer smiled and replied to his grandfather:

- Good. Thank you, grandfather.

- Well done! He praised the grandchildren. - Omer, if sixty percent of the shares will belong to you with Defne and Sinan, who will own the rest?

- Twenty gets Tranba, ten - Ahtem Minibaev. He is a jeweler and the owner of a workshop.

"And the other ten?"

- For the rest we are looking for an investor," Omer answered honestly.

"Then stop the search," the grandfather ordered. "You already have it." These ten percent will also belong to Defne. I want her voice to be decisive in the company.

- Oh-oh! She exclaimed fearfully. "I just wanted to draw jewelry and not to run a company." I don't know anything about it.

"But I know," objected Omer. - Grandpa is right. You can completely immerse yourself in creativity and not worry about routine. Other people will take control. But then you will have complete freedom and no stranger will be able to impose his will on you.

Defne smiled, but the smile faded almost instantly. She frowned thoughtfully and said:

"Mr. Necmi and Mrs. Neriman will be against it."

Grandfather gently patted her hand and reassured her:

"Don't let that bother you, daughter." My son and daughter-in-law will get what they deserve and not a coin more.

Defne answered him with a grateful smile and kissed his hand.

Topal, who during the conversation sat with their faces tense in amazement and open mouths, looked at each other and Nihan voiced what everyone thought about:

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