Chapter 16

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Nash's pov

Here I am at 3 o'clock in the morning laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I've never been good at expressing my feelings but when it comes to Kaelyn I know exactly what my feelings are for her. I heard our connecting doors squeak open and saw Kaelyn peek her head inside. She saw I was awake and fully walked inside, she slowly walked in trying not to make a sound, she crawled in my bed and snuggled into my chest.

" I don't want to be alone" she whispered, as I remembered that Mahogany was staying at her parents house because they live near here, I also remember Kaelyn saying that she hated being in hotel rooms by her self. "Will you stay with me in my room until Mahogany comes back"

"Of course" I said sitting up, I slipped on a pair of sweats because I was only in a pair of boxers

We walked into her room and laid back down in her bed in the same position we were just in. We just laid there for a few minutes until Kaelyn sat up

" What's wro-" I started to say before she placed her lips on mine, to my surprise because normally I was the first one to make the move. As we kept kissing I sat up and slid her on my lap, her legs straddling my waist.

" Have you seen the comments on our pictures?" She asked pulling away

"No, but I'm going to take a guess and say you've been reading them"

"Maybe" she said bluntly "it's kind of hard not to read them"

"You can't listen to them Kaelyn" I pleaded as she grabbed her phone from the bed side table "they don't know you like I know you"

"Oh look" she said her eyes already glossy with tears " someone named Jamie thinks I'm an ugly whore, and a girl named Hannah thinks I should go get run over by a bus"

" Kaelyn you've had one relationship before me, your like the exact opposite of a whore, its not like you put out or anything, I don't get what their problem is" I said taking both her hands in mine

"Nash I-" she began to say before I crashed my lips on to hers, I pushed her back so she was laying down and I was on top of her, still kissing her I felt her hot tears streaming down her face
"Why are you crying baby?"

"Because, everyone wants us to breakup, but I don't know what I would do with out you, and half of them are saying should just die so why shouldn't I" she said burying her face in her hands

" Kaelyn, look at me" I asked pleadingly

"No" Kaelyn said as I forcefully removed her hands from her face to see her eyes closed

"Open your eyes" I said

"No" she said her voice cracking in the middle

"Kaelyn your so unbelievably beautiful, and I love you" I said as her eyes shot open

"What did you say?" She asked sitting up

" I said I love you, do you know why I love you?"


"Not just because your pretty, your a beautiful person on the inside too, your nice, you always stickup for people, you never let anyone feel left out, I could go on but we would be here all week" I said cracking a smile

"I love you too" she squeaked as I picked her up and kissed her softly but passionately

"And don't you ever say that you should just die, I don't know what I would do if you weren't here" I said my voice cracking a little

" I won't" she said quickly then rejoined our lips again

"I love you so much" I said entangling my hand in her hair

" I love you too" she said wrapping her arms around my neck "your the first guy I've ever said that too, you know"

" Your the first girl I've said it too" I said setting her down, kissing her again then laying down in the bed and patting the space next to me motioning for her to lay down. She laid down snuggling her face into my bare chest, I wrapped my arms around her torso and pulled the covers over us " goodnight beautiful" I said before I kissed her forehead.

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