Chapter 53

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"What kind of deal?" I asked Nick wearily

"I'm not going to file a law suit against Nash and-" Nick said but then stopped to think

"And?" I asked excitedly

"I'll let you go back on tour with your friends but-" Nick said slowly

"Thank you thank you thank you" I squealed hugging him tightly

"I'm not done" Nick said "but, I want you to come back to New York with me for a few weeks so you can fully heal before you go back to touring, and after the tour is done your coming back to New York and staying with me, not by your self"

"Ok" I said still hugging him, believe it or not Nick is like the big over protective brother I've never had and no matter how crazy he makes me I'll always love him.

"So" Nick started "deal or no deal"

"Deal" I said instantly

After being in the hospital a total of five days I'm finally being discharged.

"Ready Nash asked" as he waited for me to take his hand

"Ready" I said as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, I had on yoga pants and an over sized sweatshirt.

"I love you" Nash said as we walked down the hospital hallways

"I love you too" I said as we stopped walking and faced each other "and it's only for a few weeks, then I'll be back with you guys"

"Do you promise to FaceTime with me every night?" Nash asked seriously

"I promise" I giggled

"I love you" he repeated leaning closer to me

"I love you too" I said before I pressed my lips to his, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. It was the first time Nash and I kissed since the incident.

"I missed that so much" he whispered, his lips hovering over mine.

"Me too" I said right before he reconnected the kiss once more.

"Kaelyn are you ready to let the world know your alive" we heard Matthew yell from down the hallway.

"Yeah" I yelled back

"Twitter has gone crazy asking about where you were" Matthew said once he reached where me and Nash were.

"Really?" I asked looking at his phone "dang"

His feed was full of #prayforkaelyn and #kaelynfantaisdead.

"Hashtag Kaelyn Fanta is not dead" I mimicked the hashtag.

"You should let everyone know what's going on" Nick said appearing out of no where.

"Like what, hey guys I'm not dead sorry for my leap of absence" I said laughing at my choice of words.

"Leap of absence?" Nick said laughing "your not a social worker"

"We should take a picture all together and everyone post it" Matthew said just as all the other guys including Sadie showed up.

"Ok" I said "can you take a picture of us I asked one of the receptionists

"Sure" she said taking my phone and snapped a picture of us

I posted the picture on Twitter and Instagram saying: I just wanted to say thank you to all of these lovely people for staying by my side this past week. I also wanted to inform my fans that I will be missing the next two or three Magcon events to heal. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and thank you to everyone praying for me, it worked

My feed instantly blew up with comments saying "look at the bandages on her arm and forehead" and "oh my god I thought she was dead, thank god".

"Alright Kaelyn" the nurse said as she snapped another hospital bracelet on my good wrist "I've already informed Nick on how to treat your wounds, I hope you have a nice day"

"Thank you" I said "I hope you have a nice day too"

All of us walked out to the front of the hospital to be met with a ton of fans and paparazzi flashing photos of us and screaming questions, I felt Nick place his hand protectively on the small of my back and guide my through the crowd.

The car ride to the airport was pretty much silent.

"I'm going to miss you so much Kaelyn" Sadie said hugging me once we got to the airport.

"I'm gonna miss you too" I mumbled "but I'll be back in a few weeks, I promise"

"Bye Kaelyn" Matthew said

"Bye Matthew" I said

I said my goodbyes to the rest of the guys until only one was left. Nash.

"I'm serious about you FaceTimeing me every day" Nash said making me giggle

"I will, I promise" I said hugging him

"I love you" he mumbled in my ear

"I love you too" I mumbled back

"You guys can just kiss already, we've all seen it before" Nick said making everyone laugh.

Nash pressed his lips to mine, keeping it short but sweet we pulled away. I hugged everyone one last time before I boarded the plane with Nick.

AN: The past like ten chapters I've been feeling like I've been forgetting someone and I figured out who it was, Hayes😂 lol sorry Hayes.

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