Chapter 56

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AN: lol Nick's face in the pic

After being in New York for two weeks and Nick and I's song being released a week ago it was my last day being here.
I can't believe I get to see Nash and my friends tomorrow, but I'm also super exited for tonight. Since 'Avalanche' was released it shot up to the top of the charts. Nick's manager booked us to perform the song and be interviewed on Jimmy Fallon's late night talk show.

"Are you almost ready princess?" Nick asked peeking his head in the door.

"Yeah" I said looking at myself in the mirror once more, I was wearing plain black leggings and a old dance team sweatshirt from 2012.

"What are we going to be wearing?" I asked once we got in the car.

"Well, I don't know for sure" Nick said "but the song is about breaking down emotionally and physically so I think it's going to be like a holy t-shirt or something"

"What makes a t-shirt holy" I asked confused

"There's holes in it" Nick said laughing

"Oh I thought you meant like a t-shirt that Jesus would wear or something" I said laughing

"What kind of a t-shirt would Jesus wear?" Nick asked

"A holy one" I said still laughing as our song came on the radio "oh my god it's our song"

I pulled out my phone and started vining Nick and I lip syncing to it.

"Were here" Nick said as he parked the car "and so is the press"

"Of course" I said under my breath

"Kaelyn!" A large man yelled holding a camera yelled "is it true that you tried to kill your self?"

I rolled my eyes at the man as security started clearing a walkway for Nick and I.

"Hey" Jimmy said "I'm Jimmy"

"We know" Nick said smiling "I'm Nick and this is Kaelyn"

"I know" Jimmy said mimicking Nick making us laugh.

"Well the show starts in an hour so let's get you two into your dressing rooms" Jimmy said leading us to two doors one had a post it saying Kaelyn and one has a post it saying Nick.

I sat down in front of the mirror as the hair and makeup crew did my hair and makeup. Once they were done I looked in the mirror and saw my hair in loose messy waves and my makeup looked somewhat natural which it how I prefer it, one of them handed me my costume which was an oversized navy blue t shirt with small holes and what looks to be ash dust all over it and black ripped leggings.

"Two minutes" the stage manager said after he lightly knocked on the door.

"Ok" I said even though he probably couldn't hear me.

I walked towards Nick's room just as it opened to see Nick wearing almost the same thing I'm wearing except he had on a white holy t shirt and black jeans.

"You were right" I said laughing "the t shirts are holy"

"I told you" Nick said "lets take a quick picture before we go on"

One of the hair stylists took a few pictures of us before we were called into the stage. Nick started on stage while I stayed off until my part came along.

"Words like a loaded gun
Shot out from a fire tongue
Love lost from a fight that was won
And I can see you breaking down the end to a falling out" Nick sang as the lighting was very dim making him look super buff. Nick sang the chorus as I got ready to take my place on the stage.

"I never wanted it to turn out this way
Now forever feels like yesterday
It's always something that I just can't say
Can you see me breaking down, the end to a falling out" I sang as I saw nick look at me out of the corner of my eye.

"I got pride you can't hold your breath
Even if we survive
We'll crash down like an avalanche
Crash down, crash down
Look out now don't take one more step
Even if we survive
We'll crash down like an avalanche" we sang together

"That was an amazing performance guys!" Jimmy said as we sat down on the couch that we were being interviewed on.

After Nick and I finished the song we rushed back to our dressing rooms and I put on a pink dress that crossed in the back and tied into a bow. The makeup lady applied a little for makeup while the other one fixed my hair. Once they were done Nick and I were rushed back onto the stage with Jimmy.

"Thank you" I said smiling as I sat down.

"So Kaelyn, Nick" Jimmy started "you guys have been buddy's for years now haven't you?"

"Yeah we have" Nick said crossing one of his Ankles over the other.

"Eight years" I chimed in

"Now how was it you became friends?" He asked

"The Year 3000 music video" Nick said "Kaelyn was an extra when she was like seven I think"

"So the question everyone's been asking is what happened to you Kaelyn?" Jimmy asked

"What happened?" I asked confused

"With your boyfriend and the hospital" he asked

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Nick whispered in my ear even though I'm pretty sure the microphone picked it up.

"I haven't told the public anything yet so this is kind of hard for me" I said taking a deep breath "my boyfriend Nash dropped his phone in the toilet so it was broken and Nash's best friend Cameron and I decided to tweet asking for a prank and we would pull the most requested prank on Nash. Nash was furious about the prank he was being violent towards Cam and choice words were sent towards me and I locked myself in the bathroom and had a seizure and I guess the way the scene looked when I was found was very suggestive towards the idea that I tried to kill my self but I didn't, I had a seizure and hit my head and cut my arm on a piece of glass"

"Then the video got leaked" Nick piped up "I was extremely mad at Nash, I got custody of Kaelyn back for while her parents are out of the country and I pulled her from the magcon and threatened to file law suit against Nash"

"Wow" was all Jimmy could say "the media left out so much of the story"

"The media didn't know the whole story" I said "but they focused on the bad parts of what they did know"

"So are you not returning to Magcon?" He asked

"No I am, tonight actually I'm flying to San Antonio to meet them" I said getting myself exited for seeing my friends

"That great" Jimmy said "well it was great talking to you guys"

After Nick and I left the studio he drove me straight to the airport so I wouldn't miss my flight.

AN: so this chapter is super long and boring I'm just using it as filler because I think the next chapter is going to be the last real chapter of the book and it's going to be super cheesy so please don't hate me haha I couldn't think of anything else and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting, also I'll be doing chapters after the book is done just on like cute little things as Nash and Kaelyn get older.

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