Chapter 11

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Kaelyns pov

I walked up stairs and took a shower then blow dried my hair. next I walked into my room and picked out a white cropped tank top and a light pink skirt (pic up top), I walked into my bathroom and decided I didn't want to straighten or curl my hair so I fish tail braided it down the side. I lightly applied foundation, blush, mascara and eyeliner. I walked down stairs to see Nash in a white v neck t shirt and jeans.

" You ready?" He asked

"Yup" I said as he looped my arm with his

The whole car ride Nash wouldn't tell me where we were going, after a 20 minute car ride we pulled into cal expos parking lot.

" The state fair?" I asked

" Yup" he said popping the "p"

" I completely forgot about it" I said as we got out of Nash's truck and walked to the ticket booths, once we got our tickets we walked into the front gates to be met with about a dozen teenage girls swarming around us or should I say Nash.

" Nash can I get a picture with you?" A brunette one asked giving me dirty looks as she flinged her phone at me.
I quickly snapped a picture then handed it to the girl after repeating the process about 20 times, I heard one of the songs I sing come on the big speakers.

" Ew I hate this song" the brunette said

I looked down at my feet avoiding eye contact "oops I guess I didn't realize the trash was here too" she said smirking and making her skanky looking friends laugh. I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist, I looked up to meet Nash's blue eyes, he looked upset.

" That's not very nice" Nash said turning around with me as we walked away.

"I just speak the truth" she said before over dramatically flipping her hair and walking away

" Don't listen to them" Nash said cupping my cheeks in his hands, I looked down at my feet feeling my cheeks heat up " hey, your so beautiful don't let anyone tell you different" he said as he kissed me softly, I looked back in the direction of the girls seeing them all glaring at me.

" So what do you want to do first" I asked

" I don't know" Nash said "I've never been here, shouldn't you know what to do"

" We can just walk around and if we see something we can see" I said walking towards the petting zoo, Nash entwined my hand in his as we walked.

We made our way to the petting zoo and we saw a donkey I leaned over the cage and petted its head. Nash took out his phone and filmed him self saying " you such an ass" then he flipped the camera around to the donkey.

We walked over to the rides and me and Nash road all the rides, by the time we were done it was sunset and me and Nash were sitting on a blanket watching fireworks, I looked over at Nash and saw his eyes light up when ever the next fire work came. I looked back to the sky when I felt Nash's hand on my cheek turning my face to look at him, he slowly pressed his lips onto mine, I felt my stomach get butterfly's s Nash pulled me into his lap and kiss me harder.

" You know" I said "it's getting late do you want to go home, maybe watch a movie"

Me and Nash were on our way to the parking lot when I felt a tap in my shoulder, a few girls were standing there smiling

" Hi" I said

"Can you take a picture with us?" One said

" Sure" I said smiling for the camera

" I love your music so much, and I'm going to magcon when you guys go to San Francisco" a red heading girl said

" Thanks, and I look farward to seeing you again" I said waving bye

"She's so nice" I heard her whisper to her friends

" See they like you" Nash said as we got in his truck and drove home.

Once we got home and we walked in the front door I saw Shawn and Ella sitting on the couch watching tv.

" Hey" Ella said sitting up and giving me a hug

" Hi" I said " what happened to your shirt"

" I spilt juice on it" she said

" You can barrow one of mine" I said dragging her upstairs

Once we were in my room I shut the door and pulled a random t shirt out of my drawer, and handed it to her. " so I see you and Shawn have something going on" I said smiling

" I don't know, I mean I like him but I think he see's me as a friend" Ella said

" Oh no, you didn't see him this morning when you guys were texting he was smiling and I don't know but for sure he likes you" I said

" Once Ella went back down stairs I changed into leggings and a tank top I walked into Nash's room to see him in in his boxers, he turned around to see me staring at him

"Like what you see?" He asked smirking, I nodded my head yes as he walked over and kissed me lightly, I walked into my room Nash following, we picked out the movie Madagascar and crawled into bed, Nash didn't last five minutes before he was snoring. I giggled and turned off the tv and let my self fall asleep.

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