celebration tiMe

642 45 54

"I think I fucking love you, Hoseok."


What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Hoseok lost control over himself.

He reattached his lips to Yoongi's and kissed him passionately. His hands roaming around the older's pretty figure, as Yoongi soon lost himself in the feeling of Hoseok's delicious mouth on his almost instantly.

Yoongi found himself needing- craving Hoseok. More and more and more. He groaned, hungrily devouring Hoseok's odor.

Hoseok pulled back, his breathing hard. "Yoongi, I fucking love you too." He croaked out.

"No no no, Seokie. Why are you crying?" Yoongi was hit by a tsunami of worry as he noticed a few tears roll down the younger's cheeks.

"I don't know. I- I'm just- I can't believe th-this. I just love you so much. You're just so fucking beautiful, your eyes, your hair- literally everything about you. And I-" Hoseok sobbed.

"Shh, Seokie." Yoongi hugged him, "I love you too. You're so sweet and you're literally my fucking sunshine. You make me so happy. Whenever you enter the room, it's like everything lights up and god- my fucking heart." Yoongi couldn't help but let a few tears escape his own eyes.

"Seokie." Yoongi spoke, "Why were you worried about me finding Jeffery? You know that I would never-"

"Just shut up." Hoseok wiped his tears, "Kiss me please."

Yoongi did so without any hesitation. Climbing onto his lap and scooting closer to him, he placed his plump, doll-like lips over Hoseok's cherry, heart-shaped ones.

They had no experience in making out whatsoever, but when the boys' lips connected, sparks flew and it was as if they were meant to be. Their lips moved on their own accord, fitting each other perfectly like a puzzle, the yin and yang symbol, they were two opposites brought together.

Yoongi tilted his head, deepening their kiss as Hoseok basked in the elder's  strawberry scent. Hoseok's hands made their way under Yoongi's shirt, Yoongi wondering why they hadn't done this before. Dizziness overcoming the boys' heads, as their lips danced with each other with grace more stronger than a dancer's.

"Oh fuck." Yoongi groaned, after pulling away.


"I think we should probably get some sleep, sweetheart." Hoseok pressed one more sweet kiss over Yoongi's lips.

The two boys, exhausted from the new feelings they had just portrayed for each other, gave in to their drowsiness and were consumed by sleep in each other's arms.


bangtan swanyeOndAn (aka main gc)

you guys fuck yet?

sun's ass:


I mean...
we heard a few things 👀👀

y'all finally realize ur whipped for each other?


WhO StOLe YoOngI'S plUShiE? - TEXTFIC | YOONSEOK ✔Where stories live. Discover now