yoongi finally finds jeffery

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Jin stayed up that evening. He even missed his daily beauty sleep for this shit.

While Hoseok and Yoongi were busy flirting, making witty remarks at each other, and calling each other disgusting pet names, Jin hid behind the couch they were currently sitting on.

He wasn't really worried about being caught since they were too interested in each other to see Jin make silly faces behind them. Yes, he even did that to make sure they hadn't noticed.

He crawled towards Yeontan's doggy cage and his hands made their way towards the lock. What he didn't notice was that Yeontan was inside and when he opened the door with a click, the damned mutt started barking at him.

Jin quickly turned around and glanced at the couple. Thank god, Jin breathed a sigh of relief. They were too busy giggling uncontrollably at each other to notice.

Yuck. Surely Jin and his two boyfriends weren't this disgusting. Or were they?

"Stupid little bitch." Jin cursed at Yeontan in a whisper, "Shut the fuck up." Yeontan always had a grudge against Jin and he had no idea why. He hadn't even done anything to the little shit. Okay fine, maybe he had eaten beef bulgogi in front of the dog and not given it to him, but tHAT WAS ONE TIME.

Jin picked up the dog and let him go somewhere else. Apparently, today Yeontan decided not to annoy the fuck out of Jin and he actually stayed quiet and ran off to find his father.

Breathing out yet another sigh of relief, Jin carefully placed Jeffery inside the cage and closed the door with a satisfying click.

His job was done. All he had to do now, was wait for a time to reveal it to Yoongi. And that time, my dear reader, was at dinner.


(At dinner)

"Oi! Get your asses here if you don't wanna starve!" Jin called out. He had prepared some spaghetti and meatballs for the members. "YAH! I SAID MOVE YOUR ASSES!"

"Coming, baby." Namjoon said, back-hugging his boyfriend as Jimin came and hugged Namjoon from behind.

"Ew." Jungkook said, as Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung filled their plates with the food.

"Shut up, you bunny hoe." Jin scolded.

Everyone was sitting with their full plates, shovelling the pasta into their mouths when Jin spoke.

"Hey Yoongi, I saw Jeffery in Yeontan's cage today."

Yoongi immediately turned towards him with wide eyes as Hoseok looked confused.

"I thought you already searched there." Hoseok spoke.

"Yeah, well I guess Yeontan must've been playing with him or something." Jin spoke, giving Hoseok a look which made him realize that Jin had put him there.

"What the fuck." Yoongi rose and dashed to Yeontan's cage, opening it and retrieving the stuffed animal. "Oh my god! Jeffery!" He hugged the bear like a child hugs it's plushie. (Well, he was a child with his plushie-)

An expression flashed on Hoseok's face that Jin couldn't decipher. What was it?

"Well, I'm glad you found that goddamn bear now, hyung." Jungkook spoke with his mouth full as Taehyung playfully smacked him and told him it was disgusting.

"Yeah, now you can stop annoying us." Jimin added.

"Shut up." Yoongi sighed in satisfaction as he clinged onto the bear like it was the edge of a cliff and he was hanging off.


"Hey." Hoseok greeted Yoongi, sitting next to him on the bed.

Yoongi frowned. Something was up with Hoseok. He was definitely not this unenthusiastic about... well, literally anything.

"Are you okay, seokie?" He asked.

"Yeah." Hoseok faked a smile, and damn was he good at it. However, Yoongi always had been able to notice his Hoseok's feelings.

Wait did he just say 'his'?

"I know something is wrong with you, Seokie. I just don't know what." Yoongi hugged him, "Do you want to tell me?"

"Nothings wrong, hyung."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, Hoseok never called him hyung. He always called him either baby, or Yoonie, or sweetheart or something like that.

"You're calling me hyung." Yoongi noted. He gasped with a realization hitting him, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, "You don't trust me enough to tell me if there's something wrong with you? You don't like me anymore?"

"No no of course not, baby." Hoseok kissed his forehead, "I'm just-" He sighed, "What if you don't want to cuddle to sleep with me anymore? I mean, you have Jeffery back and you said you would sleep with me until you found him-" Hoseok was cut off by Yoongi's finger on his lips.

"Is that what this is about?" He asked. "Are you fucking serious, Jung Hoseok? This is why you're worried?"

"Yeah, I mean- what if-" Hoseok was cut off by Yoongi's lips finding their way to his.

Suddenly, it was as if time stopped. They had never, you know, 'kiss' kissed before. Just pecks and stuff like that.

He responded by immediately grabbing his waist and pulling the elder onto his lap. Hoseok tangled his fingers into Yoongi's hair, as the pink-haired male's plump lips moved on their own.

Hoseok felt a flutter in his stomach as his heart pounded in his chest. He could only focus on how soft Yoongi's lips felt, how addictively he invaded his senses. Yoongi wasn't sure if he was dreaming; he sneaked a guilty peek at Hoseok confirming that indeed, he was not a figment of his imagination.

The boys pulled apart from each other needing the air in their lungs. For a second, they stayed there.

Their hearts beating like wild animals trying to escape from their chests. It seemed as if everything were perfect. Nothing and no-one else to ruin this precious moment. The two boys stared into each other's eyes before Yoongi suddenly blurted out:

"I think I fucking love you, Hoseok."



*sips tea while smirking coz I left y'all on a cliffhanger*

also I just wanna say...

fucking 1.06K reads... am I fucking imagining this? im- guys- yall-

what the fuck- tHANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH- Im- I- I'm fucking dreaming rN

bye gtg cry now

WhO StOLe YoOngI'S plUShiE? - TEXTFIC | YOONSEOK ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat