Chapter 92: It's Possible!

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Yoosung: It has to do with her secret, doesn't it!?

Yoosung: I'm also a member of the RFA. I deserve to know.

Jumin: No, you don't.

Jumin: You are hurting all of the members of the RFA in an attempt to defend two people that tried to blow up a hospital full of innocent people. It's even a war crime.

Jumin: It's hard for me to think you deserve anything at this moment.

Yoosung: .........

Zen has entered the chat.

Zen: I just read the messages...

Zen: I know we don't normally talk about our feelings and struggles, so I can't help but think they we're all at fault here...

Jumin: That's a new perspective.

Yoosung: I didn't do anything wrong!

Zen: If we all opened up to each other, maybe we would've been able to help each other and prevent things from becoming like this...

V has entered the chat.

Jumin: That's wishful thinking.

Jumin: Just like Yoosung refuses to stop idolizing Rika, no matter what suffering someone has gone through, their ignorance and bad actions are of their own. Blaming the environment for something an individual did takes too much responsibility away from the individual.

Jumin: Moreover, there is no meaning in thinking about what we could've done. If Rika had the capacity for committing heinous acts, I doubt there was anything or anyone that could have stopped her.

Jumin: Other than herself, that is.

V: .........

V: I wish I had heard those words sooner...

Yoosung: V!

Yoosung: Explain yourself!

Yoosung: I always knew you were suspicious!

Yoosung: Tell us the truth about Rika now!

Zen: You need a break, Yoosung. This is getting ridiculous.

Yoosung: Don't treat me like a child!

Zen: Then stop acting like a damn brat!

Zen: We have all tried to be patient with you, but you're still acting like this!

Zen: Y/n's life is in danger, as were many others today, and yet why can't you understand?!

Zen: You're only making this harder for everyone, don't you realize?! We shouldn't be explaining why kidnapping, bombs, and cults are bad! We should be finding a way to save Y/n!

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