Chapter 27: Thanksgiving

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Christian and I are at Amelia's house and together with Emily, Ethan, Amelia's husband and children, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. Harold and Amelia have created a real feast. Everything is looking super delicious and a lot of wine has already been drunk. The children of the orphanage are in a separate room. They are also enjoying their turkey and the best gravy that I have ever had. It's good to see all of them again and a tiny part of me also hoped that Noah would have shown up. Even if this would have been very awkward. Thinking back to our real last conversation at the wedding saddens me. Particularly because I don't know when ... if I ever see him again. I should have danced with him. Well probably not to Can't Help Falling In Love With You; any other song would have been fine. However, I guess even if they had played a heavy metal song, sparks would have been visible between us two.

Noah and I were the last ones that left the wedding. We didn't talk that much anymore, a bit of small talk from time to time. Christian kept me busy all night. I guess even if he hasn't admitted it yet, he was quite jealous. I can't blame him for that to be honest. However, let's focus on the present with Christian. He asked me today if I want to move in with him. Or actually, if I want that he moves in with me. He wants to buy a property in Moon Haven and build us a house. I haven't given him an answer yet, because in all honesty ... I don't know if I want that. He is a great guy and I know that you shouldn't compare your (ex) boyfriends, but I don't get that warm fuzzy feeling when I look into Christian's eyes.

"Where is Noah?" A little girl runs into the dining room and is crying. I know her. That is CeCe. She is seven years old and has already been through a lot. CeCe has been in the orphanage for all of her life. Her mum died of an OD right after her birth and nobody knows anything about her father. Whenever I was here with Noah, CeCe was in his arms. They have a very special bond; I mean Noah is the king for all of the kids here, but with CeCe everything seemed more familiar. Ethan takes the little one in his arms and wipes away her tears with his hands.

"I told you that he probably won't come, sweet pea. He is very busy in Spain. Don't you remember what he told you in his letters?" Amelia says and tries to calm her down. He writes the kids letters? That warms my heart.

" ... but he promised me. He promised me," she sobs. If feel your pain, girl. Even if all the focus is on CeCe, nobody can ignore the elephant in the room. Well the elephant is Noah, even if he isn't physically present. But I guess everyone feels sorry for Christian and since he is shifting back and forth on his chair, I know that he feels very uncomfortable. I take his hand, push it softly and smile at him.

"You know what?" I intervene. "Why don't you write him a letter after you finished dinner. I am sure that he will be thrilled. You can tell him everything about tonight and you can draw him a nice picture as well." CeCe stops crying; I guess she likes my suggestion. She jumps from Ethan's lap and runs to the others.

"Emma ... you child whisperer," Emily jokes.

"Okay let's open another bottle of wine," Ethan says and tries to draw everybody's attention from the elephant in the room. Thanks Ethan. I can only assume that all of this must be very hard for Christian. However, Noah isn't on tonight's agenda anymore and I really hope that we won't talk about him again. But then out of nowhere, Noah storms into Amelia's kitchen.

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