Chapter 1: Moon Haven

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It's been 268 days since I was in the café with Noah. A lot has happened ever since. I moved out from our place as soon as possible and bought a small house in a very small town, called Moon Haven. One could call it Stars Hollow 2.0. In other words, my neighbors are friendly, caring and nosy .. mhmmm. Moon Haven also has its Taylor Doose. However, in our case, he is called Arthur Bell and he is the mayor of the town. Arthur is in his late 50ties and he likes bossing around literally everyone who lives or doesn't live here. He is married and has two children. Michael runs the town's post office and Ken is in charge of the local supermarket. There are also different events almost every month. This month, for example, Dorothy the town's oldest inhabitant, had her 95th birthday and we had a huge party in front of the town's gazebo. Last month, we were fundraising in order to renovate the kindergarten. Everyone in town prepared food. The town put up a huge tent and people could buy and sell the food in it. It was great. Actually, I really like it here. I like going to Lucy's diner and have breakfast/lunch or dinner there. I like the small supermarkets and somehow I also like it that I know literally everybody in this town. Moon Haven has helped me through my separation. It is such a magical town and its small town charm and camaraderie will probably never end to fascinate me.

But to be honest, I didn't spend that much time in my new home. Swan Lake became incredibly successful. Harry and I had to give tons of interviews, we got invited to talk shows and even had the chance to meet Donald Trump (which we thankfully rejected ). Well if you are asking yourself, what happened between me and Harry after I had slept with him? We are friends and I am really happy that this incident didn't jeopardize our friendship and job. Further, if you are asking yourself as well if I have ever heard from Noah again? Well the answer is no. I don't know what is going on in his life. I do talk with Amelia and Ethan regularly, however, we don't talk about him. I wanted to ask about him or his dad so often. I am also very tempted to stalk his Instagram profile, but this wouldn't be such a good idea.

It's been 268 days since I saw him the last time and it still hurts like hell. But how does the saying go? Life has to go on. Even if I had secretly hoped that he would come to one of my shows. Every single time when I entered the stage, I was trying to find him in the audience. Sadly, he has never been there. Well I can't blame him for that. He wanted a smooth cut. But to be honest, thinking about him and the special bond we shared, is still killing me.

Supercut - Lorde

The Moment I Knew - Taylor Swift

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