Chapter 15: Moonies

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Noah and I are having breakfast. I am sitting on his lap, while he is finishing his pancakes. Every since he showed up at my door yesterday, he has been very clingy. I didn't have much space in my bed; he was holding me so close the entire night, I couldn't sleep at all. He was also having bad nightmares. I had to change the bed sheets secretly in the morning, because he was sweating so much. However, I didn't say anything about it to him, because it seems that he is feeling much better today.

"So what are your plans today?" he asks me and takes the last bite of his pancakes.

"Ahm ... I have to teach a dance class at 1 and then I have to work on the choreographies for the movie. I got the songs yesterday; they are sooo good and I have millions of ideas. What about you?"

"Busy woman," he says and kisses me. "Well today is my day off. I thought we could go boxing together in the late afternoon and then have dinner at Lucy's. I am behind at the town's gossip. I wonder if Margret and Samuel got the loan. And what about Ron? Did he finally get the wage increase he deserves so much?" Noah spent much time in Moon Haven. The townspeople adore him. I mean how couldn't they? He volunteered at the kindergarten and school and read books to children. Noah also helped with the renovations. One could say, that he has become a Moonie (this is how we call us here in Moon Haven) over the past months. Months. This thing between us has been going on for almost three months and we spent almost every day together. We even celebrated Christmas at the same place. Amelia had her famous Christmas party; it was such a lovely fest. However, since it's the end of December, this means that he will be gone soon. I am shaking my head, because I don't want to think about it. Maybe he has changed his mind already.

"That sounds like a plan, Mister," I say and try to smile.

"And don't forget the dinner at Yale on Saturday." He reminds me.

"How could I?"

"And I know that a certain someone has birthday next week. If you are free I would love to take you out." What is going on with him? I knew that he doesn't like this rover lifestyle. He likes having stability ... and he likes it even more to be surrounded by his loved ones.

"Deal," I say with the biggest smile on my face.

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