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"well maybe," brett panted, running after his best friend, leather shoes kicking up grass, "it won't be that bad."

the wind whipped at the two boys faces, and the prince turned around with an exasperated glare, feet skidding to a stop.

the stone castle loomed in the background.

"i'm twenty years old, brett. i want to make decisions for myself." eddy slumped to the ground, not caring that his mother would chastise him for getting grass stains on his pants.

he sighed loudly.

"i can't do much of that with a wife around, now can i?"

the elder rolled his eyes.

"i think," brett began, grabbing eddy's shoulder and sitting next to him in the tall grass, "that you should be grateful. i mean, you've got to be the hottest guy in all of lunora."

eddy's eyes widened at the compliment.

"i mean, you walk by the ladies of the court and they're always staring at you. and what about that princess in viris? didn't you like her when we were kids?"

eddy looked away, absentmindedly twirling blades of grass between his fingertips. a long sigh escaped his lungs and disappeared into the moving wind.

"i guess."

eddy pondered on the thought for a moment.

"i think i just don't want things to change around here. being king, having a wife, kids eventually— it seems like too much for me," eddy paused, before a grin graced his lips, "but you, my best friend, you'll always be around, right brett?"

brett plastered a smile on his face. a small ache bloomed in his chest.

"sure will."

when the iron spires of the castle began to pierce the setting sun, the sounds in the corridors seemed to rise with activity. maids carrying piles of sheets bumped into the men straightening the paintings on the walls, and the click of heels on the smooth marble floors never slowed. though it was well past dinner, the kitchen was alive with noise, flour hanging heavy in the air and the scent of sugar thick in the nose.

it'd been like this all day—the castle busy in preparation for the five princesses coming for prince edward to pick as his wife, and eventual queen. the king and queen of lunora had spent a long week searching for unmarried, young, and politically influential women that would be well suited to be their son's wife. now, they waited upon their arrival the next morning, when the rhythmic sounds of hooves on cobblestones would approach the castle entrance.

as for eddy, he'd been pacing in his royal apartment all day. he'd shut the heavy drapes tightly, letting no light escape through the thick blue velvet. his hair looked as if a mouse had taken up occupancy atop his head, and he wore pants that had a light green stain on the thigh, the memories of laying in the field stubbornly woven into the fabric.

the prince allowed no one into his quarters, not even when his servants brought breakfast or when his best friend knocked to invite him out on an early morning ride to the river.

there was but one thing on his mind: responsibility.

the responsibility of choosing a wife, who would one day be queen. the responsibility of doing what was best for lunora. the responsibility of growing up, and moving on.

it felt like too much— he didn't want to make the wrong decision.

but he wouldn't cry, he couldn't. it was unbecoming of a prince.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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