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brett's 18th birthday and eddy's 17th could only mean one thing.

it was time for brett and eddy's annual sleepover.

so, here's the thing.

after being best friends for five years, the pair have only had a handful of sleepovers. sure, they hung out all the time and were pretty much stuck to each other like glue during orchestra rehearsals. but, they never really slept over at each other's houses much.

strict asian parents were like that.

however, the one exception was upon them, and both of them could hardly contain their excitement.

every year, to celebrate their birthdays, they'd pick a weekend in march to hang out and have a sleepover, a special treat, courtesy of their parent's agreement.

but this year was special. this year, brett's parents would be out of town and they'd be alone for the weekend.

that could only mean one thing—

video games. all night.

sure, it was trivial, but with hours of practice and studying and preparing for uni, the two rarely had time to just have fun, and now was their chance. they weren't going to let it pass them by.


eddy entered the familiar house with a loud sigh, dropping his bag to the floor.

"bretty!" eddy called out teasingly, "i'm home!"

brett walked down the hallway lazily wearing a plain white t-shirt tucked into dark grey sweatpants, hair disheveled like he'd just woken up.

"hey," the shorter boy replied with a yawn, rubbing his eyes under his glasses, "sorry, just woke up from a nap."

for some reason that eddy could not discern, he couldn't keep his eyes off of his best friend. did he always look that good in his pjs?

whatever—he was just excited to see brett after weeks of being busy with school.

he embraced his friend in a tight hug, further ruffling his messy hair.

"happy late birthday, bretty."

eddy finds himself leaning into the hug a little too much, and it's when brett wraps his arm around eddy, sending butterflies racing through the younger boy's stomach, that eddy begins to regret such a close embrace.

"happy early birthday, eddy."

alright, maybe he doesn't regret it all that much.

the hug lasts for maybe a second too long before they pull away, but nothing is awkward or uncomfortable, it never is between them. after such a close friendship for such a long time, they were used to each other's mannerism and strange antics. maybe a bit too used to each other.

"napping, bro, really?" eddy broke the silence, "what happened to practicing before i came over, eh?"

brett blushed in embarrassment and eddy couldn't keep his damned eyes away for the life of him.

"i've been tired recently," brett confessed truthfully, "school and being concertmaster of the youth orchestra and applying to uni is a lot all at once."

eddy gave him a sympathetic look, and couldn't stop himself from patting brett on the shoulder as the eldest boy let out another yawn. personally, he couldn't relate just yet. he was still a year behind brett in school, what with their age difference and all, and didn't feel the same type of pressure as brett did in orchestra. but, if there was anyone who could handle it, it was brett.

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