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inspired by willUrosinMYbow 's oneshot book (check it out!)


brett had lived in apartment 34d for five years now, and had never encountered any issues with anything—neighbors, plumbing, what have you. it was the perfect home, an oasis from his busy work life and messy social life.

that was, of course, until now.

it was 12am on a saturday night, and there was a huge fucking spider in the middle of brett's kitchen, crawling around deviously on its eight hairy legs.

brett had just been trying to get a glass of water before he went to bed when he saw the evil thing dart across his kitchen floor. he had let out a high pitched scream, not caring that he had neighbors and it was the middle of the night.

so now, here he was, standing on his countertop with a large plastic bowl in hand, attempting to trap the spider on his own.

okay brett, you got this. you are bigger than the spider, be brave.

he took a deep breath as he watched the spider scuttle across the floor, closer to him.

he squeezed his eyes shut and dropped the bowl to the floor, jumping back when it hit the tiles with a loud clang. he hoped his neighbors were deep sleepers.

brett peered down at the bowl hesitantly.


he had successfully trapped the spider under the clear plastic bowl. now, he could sleep.


half an hour later and he still couldn't sleep. his mind kept thinking back to the spider, alive on the floor of his kitchen.

what if it was escaping?

he jumped out of bed, tip toeing carefully out of his room.

a sigh of relief passed through his lips. the spider was still there.

but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep unless he knew the spider wouldn't be able to escape. but he couldn't kill it—he wanted to puke at the thought of having to squish the spider himself.

unless he got someone else to kill it???

that was a possibility.

he looked at the wall of his kitchen. just on the other side lived eddy, another man about his age. he had moved in a few months ago and seemed nice enough when brett introduced himself, but they hadn't talked since.

but it would be weird to knock on his door at 12:30 in the morning and ask him to kill a spider, right? i mean, they were practically strangers.

brett made up his mind when he saw the plastic bowl move an inch to the left.

absolutely fuck no.

he bolted out of the front door, not bothering to take shoes with him.

he walked down the dimly lit hallway, stopping at apartment 33d. brett paused before he knocked on the door.

was this a bad idea? yes. was he still going to ask? absolutely.

brett gathered up his courage and knocked twice on the hard wooden door. he heard footsteps approaching and was surprised that eddy was awake at this hour.

eddy opened the door, rubbing his eyes and shaking out his messy hair. he looked like he had been sound asleep, and brett immediately felt guilty.

"hello?" he asked, squinting into the hallway. "oh, brett? hi."

brett offered a gentle smile, immediately regretting his decision to ask eddy for help. he was about to look like a complete idiot in front of his new neighbor.

"hi, sorry for bothering you," brett started nervously, "i have an odd request, do you think you could—"

he was cut off when eddy grabbed his upper arm firmly with a panicked look in his eyes and pulled him into his apartment, slamming the door and locking it tightly. brett stumbled into the room after eddy.

"sorry," eddy panted, "i just saw a huge spider crawl up the wall behind you."

brett shivered in disgust.

"seriously?" he looked back at the closed door, "i had just come to ask you if you would kill the spider i saw in my kitchen."

"well it's a good thing you're here now, because i definitely wouldn't have killed it, i'm terrified of spiders," eddy confessed.

there was an awkward moment of silence.

eddy yawned.

"you might as well stay here, because i'm not opening that door until morning, not even if this building catches on fire."

oh, brett thought, so he was seriously afraid of spiders.

"um, sure," brett answered, even though eddy had demanded he stay rather than asked him.

"look, you can take the couch, and i can bring a blanket out for you," eddy offered.

brett nodded, hesitantly moving to sit on the couch.

the entire situation was strange, but he didn't care. he was tired, and desperately needed some sleep.

he was about to take off his glasses and set them aside when he heard a scream come from across the apartment, and soon enough he heard the slam of a door and saw eddy run into the living room, dragging a large blanket behind him.

"i swear to god i just saw two spiders in my room," eddy panted, putting a hand over his rapidly beating heart. brett laughed at his frenzied expression.

"i'm not kidding, they were out to kill me!" eddy exclaimed, sitting next to brett on the couch.

"i guess we'll just have to stay up and keep watch then," brett said, holding back a yawn. truthfully, he wanted nothing more than to curl up on the couch and fall asleep.

eddy watched brett's tired eyes as he spoke.

"here," he said, passing the blanket to brett, "you can sleep, i'll keep a look out first."

brett took the blanket with a grateful smile and laid down, his head resting next to eddy's thighs on the soft cushions. there definitely wasn't enough space on the couch for the two of them, but brett was too tired to care. he shut his eyes and was out like a light.


brett woke up to the feeling of something moving under him. he groaned, wanting to fall back asleep. he snuggled his head into the warm pillow and sighed.


he didn't remember falling asleep with a pillow last night.

his eyes popped open. his 'pillow' was actually eddy's chest and the movement that had woken him up came from eddy's legs intertwining with his under their shared blanket.

brett's heart pounded as his tired mind began to realize how close they were. he wanted to move off of eddy, or at least say something, but it wasn't as easy as he'd thought it be. his arm was stuck under eddy's torso and eddy's arms were wrapped securely around his waist. on top of that, eddy just looked too peaceful while he slept, and brett didn't think he could bear to wake him a second time.

plus, brett was still tired too, and eddy was an awfully good cuddler. brett set his head back on eddy's chest and closed his eyes. surely a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.


a/n: hello! i hoped you enjoyed this soft/short/silly breddy. if you liked this, please check out my new story, holy. it's a demon/angel au and it's definitely something new for me, but i'm really liking what i've wrote so far! : )

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