hospital nights.

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eddy woke up to the sound of his pager blaring next to his pillow.

he rolled over and muted it, checking the time.

5:45 p.m.

he'd only slept for half an hour. that's what he gets for trying to catch up on sleep between surgeries. he sighed, rolling out of the uncomfortable bed and picked up the phone on the desk, typing in the number to return the page.

"this is doctor chen," he yawned, "returning a page."

the nurse on the phone was letting him know that his patient's bloodwork had been updated and that his 6:30 p.m. surgery had been moved to 7.

he thanked the nurse and hung up, logging into the old desktop computer on the table.

the on-call room was dingy and old, but it felt like home. after being a general surgeon for 3 years at the same hospital, eddy was sure that he'd spent more time in that room than he did at his own house.

he scrolled through his patient's charts, scribbling notes down in quintessential terrible-doctor-handwriting every few minutes. before he left to go prepare for surgery, he did a last check on the chart of the patient he'd be operating on.

brett yang, 27 y/o male, taiwanese-australian, fractured 5th and 6th ribs on the right side from falling out of a tree. interesting.

he looked over the x-rays again, double checking his work.

it'd be a relatively easy fix, and if he were careful enough, the incision would be small too.

eddy pushed himself out of the rolling chair and shoved his notes in his pocket, heading to the general surgery floor.


when he arrived in the operating room after scrubbing in, he was surprised to see that the anesthesiologist and a first year medical resident were already there, along with the patient who was lightly sedated, not yet asleep.

"so are you guys early or am i just late?" eddy joked.

"doctor chen, we were supposed to start ten minutes ago," the medical student, whose name tag said jenna, responded.

eddy looked up at the clock. 6:40 p.m. he was early.

"huh, i was told 7," eddy reasoned.

a giggle distracted him from his thoughts.

"doctor chennnnnn," the patient, brett, slurred. "you're cute," he laughed.

eddy was thankful his mask hid the blush on his cheeks.

"well thank you, brett," eddy responded casually, "we're going to put you to sleep, alright? and then you'll wake up and feel all better."

eddy nodded at the anesthesiologist, leo, to start injecting the anesthetic into brett's iv.

"okay," brett drawled, "but can i have your number first? pretty please?" eddy blushed again, his cheeks only getting redder as he heard leo snicker from across the room.

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