winter by vivaldi.

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a/n: we're just gonna pretend that australia gets cold okay


it was -5° C in brisbane, and brett was alone in him and eddy's shared apartment. their only space heater was conveniently broken, so brett resorted to wearing many layers of clothing and burying himself under a mountain of blankets. had eddy been there, brett would have likely dragged him under the covers, too.

but alas, eddy was at the supermarket, trying to find a heater and also picking up some groceries. he was much more tolerant of the cold weather, which is why he braved the outdoors to go out and shop, leaving brett behind at home. had brett been there, well, he probably would have frozen to death.


"brett? hello? i'm home!" eddy called out into what seemed to be an empty apartment.

after not hearing a response, he walked into their bedroom, searching for brett.

"babe?" eddy looked curiously at the large lump on their bed.

"hhmm ooo" the lump spoke!

eddy lifted the corner of bundle of blankets, uncovering a very small brett who had curled himself up into a ball.

"hello?" brett said sheepishly, peeking out from under the covers. eddy couldn't help but think that he looked like a cute forest animal coming out of hibernation.

with a small smile, eddy pulled the covers away from the bed.

"hey, give those back, im cold!" brett whined in desperation, sitting up on the bed.

eddy ignored brett's pleas, unable to keep his mind off of how cute brett looked at the moment, face pouty, hair messy, and wide eyes peering up at eddy.

"i missed you too" eddy said, leaning in and giving brett a quick kiss on the lips.

"there weren't any heaters at the store, so i guess we're sleeping under—" eddy pointed to the mound of blankets that brett had been laying under "—well, that i guess."

as he spoke, he noticed brett start to shiver slightly.

"here, take this" eddy said, taking off his hoodie and giving it to brett, who quickly pulled the warm clothing over his head. eddy felt bad that he wasn't able to find a heater, especially since brett didn't seem particularly good at retaining body heat. although, while he wouldn't admit it, eddy liked seeing his boyfriend wear his clothes, and brett did look adorable with the large hoodie on.

brett relished in the feeling of his boyfriend's sweater, wondering how eddy managed to stay warm even when it was below freezing outside. for extra warmth, brett pulled the large hood over his head, noticing the scent of peppermint that still lingered on the clothing.

eddy watched in amusement as brett grumpily snatched the pile of blankets back and proceeded to bury himself in it.

"do you want some tea?" eddy asked.

the lump on his bed responded with a mumble that sounded somewhat like a "yes".

eddy left to go into the kitchen, heating up some water for their tea. he always had peppermint, while brett preferred lemon and honey.

he carefully carried the steaming cups to the bedroom where brett had made his shelter, setting them down on the bedside table.

"tea is ready" eddy said softly. at the sound of his voice, brett unraveled himself from the many layers of blankets, his hood still on top of his head. he wrapped his small hands around the warm cup of tea, letting the liquid expel the cold from his body.

the two of them sat in silence, quietly sipping their tea. it was nighttime now, and the sun had long past set. unfortunately, that also meant it was getting colder both outside and inside their apartment.

eddy left the room, heading into the closet to change into a pair of sweatpants and a jumper, since brett had "stolen" his. he came back to the bedroom to see brett still sitting up on the bed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. eddy walked over to brett, surprising him by taking off his glasses and setting them aside. he stood in front of brett, towering over him, and ran his fingers through brett's soft hair. brett leaned into the touch, resting his head on eddy's abdomen, his hands absentmindedly traveling under eddy's sweater.

"cuddle with me tonight?" brett asked in a small voice, his ice-cold fingers tracing the smooth muscles on eddy's back.

"of course." eddy replied, shivering at brett's soft touch. he would do anything for this man.

they stayed like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's presence. soon enough though, brett let out a yawn, signaling to the two of them that it was time to go to sleep.

eddy walked away to turn off the lights, and brett frowned at the loss of contact. when eddy came back, brett grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled him down onto the bed. he took the pile of blankets and pulled it over the both of them, the two of them completely shut away from the world.

eddy pulled brett closer to him, his hands holding brett's face, and planted a short, sweet kiss upon his lips. the blush that rose up to brett's cheeks was enough to warm him up significantly, despite the fact that it was probably 10° C in their apartment. brett smiled, moving his head to rest on eddy's chest, his hands sneaking around to touch the skin on eddy's back, just as they had done minutes before.

"i love you." eddy whispered to brett.

"i love you more." brett replied, his breaths beginning to even out, the rise and fall of his chest slowing down.

brett had fallen asleep, and eddy couldn't help but think that, one day, he would buy brett a real house, one with a fireplace for cold winter nights, and maybe a pool for the inevitably hot aussie summers. they would have their own space, and they could get a dog, or a cat, whatever brett wanted, really. they would have a place to call home. eddy's thoughts soon drifted away just as he did, and he fell asleep, warm in his lovers arms.

tsv oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora