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a/n: this is so long im so sorry but i promise its good im actually really proud of this one :) i hope you like it


eddy tossed and turned in his sleeping bag on the hard wooden bench, unable to fall asleep under the fluorescent street light. the sounds of the city at night kept him wide awake, with the sounds of drunk people yelling down the streets and distant sirens wailing.

day three of nonstop busking, and he just needed sleep.

he sat up to check on brett, who slept on a bench behind him.

but when he turned his head to look, brett wasn't there.

the bench was empty. eddy was alone.

"brett? brett!" eddy called out into the empty park, to no response.

he turned back around.

now, a man, a faceless blur, unidentifiable, merely a black shadow, had somehow opened eddy's violin case.

it all happened so quickly.

eddy yelled—


suddenly his cheek was burning.

a slap.

he couldn't breathe.

a kick to the stomach.

the man raised eddy's violin over his head.

a crash.

wood splintering, strings snapping, it was like a bomb had exploded before his eyes.

he cried out—

eddy sat up, breathing as if he were in deep space without oxygen. tear tracks stained his face and he was cold, shivering, but sweating at the same time.

he fumbled for the light on his bedside table, knocking down books and a plastic water bottle in the process.

the lamp was on, and eddy couldn't even process the blinding glare. his mind was too busy, pounding with the sounds of drunken yells and ear-splitting sirens.

brett, i need brett.

that's all eddy could concentrate on.

he stumbled clumsily out of his bed, still breathing heavily, legs getting caught in sheets and feet tripping over pillows that had mysteriously made it to the floor.

brett. just down the hall. he could make it.

was he even still there?

every creak of the floorboards made eddy jump, and he could barely wrap his cold hands around the door handle.

he opened the door silently to see brett sitting up on his bed, light on, reading a book under the covers.

"hey man what's up? i thought you were asleep—" brett started to stay, cutting himself off when he saw the way eddy's skinny body shook ever so slightly.

"are you okay?" brett asked, concern lining his face.

his question was answered as eddy looked at him, tears streaming down his face.

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