Another tag :)

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You see, I just woke up at 11 a.m earlier, and I spent another 10 minutes to sleep again. Yeah I know, I sleep too much. Anyways, when I finally gathered enough conscious to open my phone, I was greeted by my notification.

"Yo gurl you just got tagged"


So let's do it, shall we?


1. Who tagged you?

0Unknowing0. Thank you :)

2. Complete this in less than 3 days.


3. 10 fun facts about yourself

1) I'm quite tall for a girl in my age. I even reach my mother's height.
2) I sleep like almost every hour in my class, yet I'm still in the top three.
3) I learn several languages. My native language is Indonesian, and currently I'm learning English, Arabic, some Japanese, and some Russian. I can read Hiragana, Katakana, a few Kanji, Arabic alphabets, and Russian alphabets. 
4) I learnt martial arts for 4 years, but I'm sure my skills are quite rusty by now--
5) My nickname is 'Tiger' among my classmates because I go berserk when someone disturbs me. I choke a boy's neck once by pulling onto his tie because he wanted to read my binder, and I slap the same boy's back harshly because he was singing loudly when I was asleep. The whole class immediately cheered at that.
6) I'm the only author among my artist friends.
7) In every fandom, shipping at least a yaoi (or maybe yuri) couple is a must for me.
8) Daydreaming about OTP everyday, better it be fluff, angst, or lemon, is priority.
9) I have so many OCs I don't even know the exact number even though I write down all of them. Last count is 62, but I'm sure there's more--
10) I love cats, and hate spicy foods. 

4. Tag 28 people.

*chokes on air*

Ehh? 28 people??? Isn't that a bit too much? I don't even have friends that much here!




Alright, I won't tag anyone this time. Be grateful then, haha--

5. Tell a joke.

... I'm not a humorous person, but I'll try...

Imagine waking up late. You look at your phone and judging by the time, the school gate has been closed, but you insist you have to go to school. You finished taking a quick shower, wear your uniform, miss your breakfast, and run with full speed to your school.

Only then you realize it's Sunday.
//got slapped.

6. Tell a spoiler for the story.

Spoiler huh... Let's see what I can do.

It was burning, but freezing at the same time.

His breathing was ragged, chest rising and falling heavily on each gulp of air he drew after every splash. His figure shook severely after every combustion he received. His soul was as if being pulled forcefully from his body, from his own flesh.

It was painful. 

It hurt so bad. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt--

Another scream ripped the air as he felt the blazing fire on his skin once again. Rattles of chains from his tightly wrapped wrists echoed in his ears, along with his agonizing voice and the howl of laughter from the culprit. He couldn't do anything but getting weaker after each contact with the intense element.

The heat from the fire faded, and was immediately replaced by the cold from the water.

Blood gushed out from his mouth as his next scream broke his throat. His initially high temperature was gradually decreased by the splash of ice cold water that rained his vulnerable figure, creating a puddle of water mixed with red underneath him. 

It hurt. It hurt so bad. Why didn't he just die?

Alright that's enough. I think I spoiled too much information, hehe...


A/N : For my dearest readers, I don't think I could update the new chapter today or maybe tomorrow TwT. It's because today I have to prepare for an event tomorrow, and it's not an ordinary event. 

Hey my fellow Indonesian readers, you know what event will occur tomorrow, right? Then you know well we'll be busy tomorrow.

Still, I'll do my best. See you next time!

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