Short Stories #1

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- First Morning Together -

The soft chirps of birds and the warm morning glow woke Mafu up from his deep slumber. He lifted a hand to rub his eyes before he opened them. At first, his face erupted to a dark shade of red and his heartbeat rate risen up to an abnormal level. It took a good one minute to calm himself down, because this was the first time he ever woken up next to someone.

Soraru was still sleeping soundly on his side. His dark blue bangs fell upon his closed eyelids, and Mafu swiftly removed them, admiring the stunning face of his now-called husband. He could never get enough of staring at Soraru. Maybe it was just his imagination, but every time Mafu laid his eyes on him, he looked more handsome than before. It didn't quite make sense, since Soraru rarely changed his style, but not to Mafu.

Somehow it was just... different to him.

The lights seemed to engulfed Soraru's figure from behind, illuminating him with different shades of colour. The cool morning breeze entered the chamber, gently swaying his dark blue nest he called hair. Mafu's blush darkened again, and he slowly shifted closer to Soraru. His gaze flew to his lips, which looked so kissable by the moment. Mafu didn't know why he feel like melting every time Soraru kissed him. He didn't know whether it is because how good Soraru at kissing, or because the amount of love and passion he poured in every kisses.

Ever since they were engaged, Soraru loved to tease Mafu with sudden kisses. Whenever there were only the two of them, Soraru would lean in and swooped Mafu's ripe lips with his. Mafu never failed to open his mouth in shock, thus Soraru would always succeed slipping his tongue into Mafu's damp lair, trapping him with a loving kiss.

Now that Soraru was still sleeping soundly, Mafu had the chance for a payback.

Mustering his courage, Mafu closed his eyes and leaned forward. He let out a muffled sound of surprise as he felt something damp and soft intruded his lips right after, forcing its way in and explored Mafu's lair expertly. A hand raked through his silky, snow hair and pulled him towards the perpetrator. His whimpers were greedily swallowed by the other, and as they parted, a silver string of saliva could be seen between their lips,  and was broken by Mafu who threw his gaze away from his significant other.

"How unfair, Soraru-sama..." he muttered timidly.

"I never thought you would be the one who initiated morning kiss, but it's not like I dislike it" Soraru caressed Mafu's cheek with his thumb, silently telling him to face him. 

Mafu refused, so Soraru decided to pepper kisses all over his face, relishing the shy noises Mafu made from his throat. From the forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, and finally his lips. It was a chaste one, softer than before, but enough to leave Mafu a blushing mess.

Soraru laughed softly at the reaction he got, "Come on, Mafumafu. Let's have breakfast, shall we?" he asked as he sat up on their bed.

Mafu nodded, still way to embarrassed to reply with words.


- Question -

"So..." the three of them lifted their gaze when Araki suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence around the dining room, "Have you two done 'it'?"

"Done what, Araki-san?" Mafu asked innocently, while Soraru was panicking inwardly that Araki would give him an inappropriate answer and Luz was trying to hard a stifle his laughter.

"You know..." the Demon King played with his wavy blood-red strands, smirking teasingly at the Angel of Death and the King, "The thing that newlywed couple do at their first night--"

"Araki-san" Soraru cut him off with a stern tone, glaring daggers at him as a dark aura started to creep from his back, "I would kindly suggest you to not answer Mafumafu's question"

"Eh? Why, Soraru-sama?" Mafu turned his head to look at his husband, blood-red orbs blinking in curiosity. Soraru had to restrain the urge to give in, but no. He still wanted to keep his husband's innocence.

"Mafu-kun, your hands may stained with men's bloods, but this topic is way too adult, even for you" Luz chirped in, and Soraru shook his hand out of gratitude under the table.

"Adult...?" Mafu looked up, placing his forefinger on his chin as he wandered in his thoughts. He then looked back at Araki, "Why can't I know what is it?"

"Well, I'd love to tell you, but then your husband would slice me into pieces and gave them to Anku if I do so" Araki giggled, "Maybe you should ask someone else"

"Don't listen to him, Mafumafu" Soraru grabbed both of the angel's shoulders.

As the two continued to bicker around, Mafu puffed his cheek in dissatisfaction.

Actually how adult that topic is? Even Soraru-sama refuses to tell me... Should I look for the answers myself? Would Soraru-sama be mad at me if I did?


- Names -

"Angel, could you bring me those papers over there?"

Mafu blushed profusely from the nickname, but he did as what he told to. He picked some papers from the nearby shelves and put them on Soraru's desk. Soraru thanked him softly and continued his work. As Mafu sat on the chair next to Soraru's, he couldn't get rid of the nickname from his head, so he decided to ask.

"What's with that nickname earlier?"

"Hmm?" Soraru merely hummed before answering with proper words, "I just want to try it, or maybe you want me to call you with something else?"

"Ah, uhm..." Mafu fidgeted on his seat, stuttering uncontrollably as his blush darkened.

"Then, how about 'honey'?"

"T- Too cheesy..."

"Yeah, I suppose so..." Soraru started to think of another nicknames as he brushed the tip of his feather pen on the papers.


Mafu shook his head.


Another shake.


Same reaction.

Soraru hummed again, absorbed in his thoughts as he tried to find another nickname.

"Ah, how about..."

Mafu immediately looked up as he felt Soraru's hand landed on his head, ruffling the messy snow mane he called hair as the King gave the Angel of Death the softest smile he could form. The touch was so gentle, it left Mafu frozen on his seat for a while.


It was just a short version of his full name, but Mafu could feel his body's temperature rose greatly by it. The way how Soraru said it was so endearing and warm, it caused Mafu to blush madly. Soraru felt Mafu nodded under his hand, and his smile grew wider.

"It's decided then. From now I shall address you as Mafu. Is it alright with you?"

Mafu nodded again, his blush didn't decrease at the very least. His love for his king was overflowing for the-- ah, he lost count about it. He had fallen in love with his King too deep. Every single, affectionate action Soraru did for him make his breath got caught in his throat. He couldn't contain it for much longer. Thus he reached for his king's cheek and leaned in, closing the distance between them.


A/N : I can't make fluff guys, so please bear with my writing skills. I'm used to write angst since my life is kind of angst as well, so yeah...

See you next time!

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