Dream Fireworks (II)

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Mafu dragged Soraru onto a grassy hill after spending an hour wandering around the festival, playing some sorts of games like a couple of energetic children. The hill wasn't so high, but wasn't so flat either. It was perfect for watching the fireworks, like how the angel had said to the King when he asked the reason for choosing this hill.

Right after they sat on the cool grasses, the first firework launched to the sky and exploded, creating large colourful sprinkles above their heads. A lot of fireworks followed after, exploding their enchanting colours one by one. The sky was as if holding a light show of glitters on its starry canvas. It was mesmerizing, they couldn't take their eyes from it.

"Kirei na..." Soraru mumbled in awe.

"Desho?" Mafu smirked proudly in return.

Soraru dared himself to turn his head away from the sky's wonders and faced Mafu. The Angel of Death's gaze was so fixed to the exploding fireworks, he didn't even realize Soraru was looking at him. His blood-red orbs reflecting what he saw, and as colourful lights danced in his eyes, Soraru felt his heart could burst with so much admiration and affection he had for the angel.

The fireworks slowly faded away. The loud noises were blown away by the cool breeze of the night. Mafu who finally realized the King's stare at him immediately turned his body, facing Soraru with a light blush on his face, "So- Soraru-sama...?"

Soraru blinked, before throwing his gaze to another way as long it wasn't Mafu, starting to feel his own blush creep onto his face, "I- Iie, nandemonai..."

Mafu tilted his head to his side and made a little "Hmm?" from his throat. He gradually dragged himself closer to Soraru, wishing to know what expression the King had that time, "Soraru-sama? Are you alright?"

Soraru shook his head hastily, "I- I'm fine..."

"Eh? If you really are, then why won't you look at me?"

"..." Soraru didn't answer him.

"Mou, don't ignore me, Soraru-sama..."

Mafu whined beside him, his childish voice made Soraru feel fluffy inside, to the point where all he wanted was just hugging the angel to himself and let no one touch him. He had this itchy feeling where he wished to shut Mafu's lips with his. Wanting to know how those ripe lips tasted, how his wet lair would taste after he ate the apple candy earlier, how Mafu would react to it...

Ah, just how Soraru was so helpless about this?

Soraru decided to turned his head back to the Angel of Death, but what he and Mafu didn't expect was their lips brushed softly against each other due to Mafu's positions who was right by his side by the time Soraru looked at him again.

They instinctively pulled back from each other, face way too red to be recognizable. Mafu was the first one who reacted, standing back on his feet as he shouted, "I- I truly apologize, Soraru-sama! I- I didn't meant to!! I'm sorry!!" 

Just when Mafu was about to run down from the hill, Soraru grabbed him by his arm and turned his body around, earning a small yelp from the Angel of Death. The King's sapphires had something inside them. Not disgust, and not hatred either. It made Mafu slowly relaxed in Soraru's arms, but he still didn't understand why Soraru had to hold him like this.

"Mafumafu, it wasn't your fault, but for what happens after this, it's purely my fault"

Mafu didn't have the leisure to ask what Soraru meant by that because he already crashed his lips against his. The sudden contact left Mafu's body heating up profusely, and he put a hand on Soraru's shoulder by instinct, trying to maintain his balance. 

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