Struggle For Blessings

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That afternoon, the King was going to do a mission that would determine his fate. Getting blessings. Of course, you couldn't get married without blessings from your family, could you? Alright, maybe you could, but then your marriage life wouldn't be peaceful. At least that's what people say in where I live-- ahem.

Back to the story.


Soraru turned his side to his fiance (*cough*cough*) who was currently walking on his side, "Yes, Mafumafu?" he replied, his voice soft and warm. 

"Ano... Is Soraru-sama really sure about making me yours?" 

"This again?" Soraru chuckled sweetly and patted the Angel of Death's snow hair, "What else could I do to prove my love to you, Mafumafu?" he said with a teasing tone.

"That's--!" Mafu blushed heavily, and he could only bow his head in embarrassment, didn't have the words to counter Soraru's statement.

They finally reached the throne room, where the infamous Bard in the King stood in the middle of the wide hall, looking nervous. He had been walking back and forth for a while, and when he realized the presence of his King, he jumped, "A- Ah, Soraru-sama! W- Why did you call me here? I didn't do anything wrong, did I? Did I?"

"Ochisuite kudasai, Amatsuki-kun" Soraru smiled slightly by the sudden questions, "You didn't do anything wrong" he comforted him.

Upon hearing his King's words, Amatsuki huffed a breath of relief, "Then... Why did you call me here, Soraru-sama? And why is Mafu-kun coming with you?" he asked, peering over Soraru's shoulder and saw Mafu smiling sheepishly at him.

"Uhm, you see, Amatsuki-kun..." Soraru trailed off, his voice wavering in the end. He started to look nervous as well, hanging his head low. Behind him, Mafu broke a cold sweat, stroking the sleeved of his clothes repeatedly. Before Amatsuki could ask what's wrong, Soraru fell on his knees with a loud thump, startling the Bard.

"Pray allow me to marry Mafumafu!" Soraru declared with his whole body bent down until his forehead almost brushing the cold ceramic floor.

"EHHHHHH?!?!" Amatsuki shrieked loudly in return.

Still with the position, Soraru continued, "Mafumafu said if I want to marry him, I must get blessings from three people he treasured most in his life, and you're one of them. So please, Amatsuki-kun. Pray give me your blessings and I promise to love Mafumafu with whole of my life" he stated solemnly.

//please forgive me for the unusual words, I'm still a young lassie after all :)

Amatsuki froze in place, Soraru maintained his pose, and Mafu's face was all sweaty as he waited for the Bard's answer. 

"H- Hold on, Soraru-sama... You didn't have to do dogeza for me who's lower than you..." Amatsuki crouched down, voice stuttering.

However, Soraru only lifted the upper half of his body. He kept his legs still under his body, "We're both humans, Amatsuki-kun. I refuse to hear more of his difference of classes anymore. I only ask for your blessing to marry Mafumafu, no need to bring the topic of classes"

Amatsuki's forefinger pointed at himself, "But why me, Soraru-sama? I have no blood relations at all with Mafu-kun, nor I'm his family..."

"That isn't the case according to Mafumafu. You're an important person for him, the figure he cared about a lot, who loved him like how parents loved their child. Thus the reason why he asked me to ask for your blessings. "Mother's" blessings is the most important one after all" Soraru interrupted.

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