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At the time when the two were having their breakfast, an uncomfortable yet unavoidable silence hung in the air. Mafu didn't talk cheerily like he always did, and other than Soraru, even the servants were feeling worried as well for the Angel of Death. The chef bent his body towards his King, whispering at him, "My King, it seems your husband hasn't got over the problem yet"

Soraru heaved a heavy breath, palming his cheek with a troubled look, "My angel does overthought about things a bit too often, but I don't think I could stand seeing him blaming himself for eternity"

"Well you stated your point there, Soraru-sama. Even we, the servants, miss the usual bubbly traits of Mafu-san" the chef murmured, "Have you thought some way to make him cheerful again like he always do?"

The King merely gave him a shrug before he continued, "Perhaps, if we managed to catch the culprit behind my scars, Mafu would feel better after taking his life"

"Hm, that makes sense, but I'll trust every of your decisions, My King" the chef flashed him a smile, nodding his head. A few moments later, the two finished their breakfast, and the servants took the plates quite hastily. It wasn't surprising, the thick tension resting in the dining could make one chokes from it.

"Anata, come here" Soraru ordered softly after all the servants had exited, leaving only the two of them in the dining room.

Mafu lifted his head hearing his husband's words and rose form his seat, strolling over from across the long, wide table into Soraru's side. He tilted his head a bit to the side as he asked in meek voice, "What is it, Soraru-sama?"

"Sit before me"


Sit before Soraru? Before in means of in front of him, right? Didn't that mean he would sit on the table? Wasn't that impolite? Mafu stuttered quietly, his words of insecurity went unheard by the King. If it wasn't for Soraru's half-expecting half-pleading stare, he wouldn't do it, but what could he do? He didn't want to increase his guilt further although all he did nothing but blaming himself since the past few days 

Timidly, Mafu raised himself tall enough until he was seated nicely on the edge of the table, legs swinging in the air below him, moving them carefully enough so he wouldn't hit Soraru who was still sitting in his seat.

The faint screech of the chair was heard when Soraru stood up and took one step forward, thinning the distance between them. Mafu leaned his body backwards immediately by instinct, but it did so little since he could still feel Soraru's heavy breath against his face, and the sound of his steady, soothing heart beat. It was less frantic than his racing one, and he was afraid that Soraru could hear it.

"Mafu, please tell me what should I do" Soraru had asked in a sudden.

Mafu, who didn't understand, blinked several times.

Another heavy breath escaped the King's pale and chapped lips, "Mafu, it was two months ago. It's no use for you keep reminiscing about the past" he reached for his husband's hand and gave the back of it a soft kiss, "I'm here now, alive and talking to you. Is it not enough for you?"

"Soraru-sama..." Mafu knew his vision was blurring, and immediately set his eyes shut. He shook his head, hoping he won't spill another tears, "I- I just feel that anything I did for you is indeed not good enough... I dragged you to a fight of life and death that one time in the Dead Realm, I almost killed you at that too... I always bothered you ever since... Don't forget about the fight in the hidden garden as well... A- And your scars..."

His tears sprang out, running down to his cheeks. As he though, he could never be as mentally strong as his King.

"It was because me! All because of me! Not somebody else! Why are you still here with me when you could have better than me?! Who could give you happiness, not difficulties?!"

"Mafu, please stop" Soraru took a firm grip of Mafu's shoulders with his trembling hands, ultimately halting his shouting, "Please... Stop blaming yourself, angel... I would never grow tired telling you so, but please, Mafu, just once..."

Mafu's red orbs widened as he saw a drop of tear ran down Soraru's cheek.

"I miss your smiles. I miss all the things you babble. I miss your sweet, angelic laughs... My purpose marrying you isn't for my happiness, but yours"

Mafu wished to say something else as a counter, but Soraru cut him off before he could even form a single word.

"I know. I know behind your cheery and merciless demeanor, you hold a great sense of loneliness. Ever since I marry you, you'll always try to keep me close to you. It's rare of me to see you wander off alone. You usually have Amatsuki-kun or Luz-kun to accompany you. I always hope I could put a smile in the face of someone I hold close to my heart, but look at me now..." 

Soraru buried his face on the crook of Mafu's neck, his muffled sobs were left echoing inside the Angel of Death's ears, "I couldn't even stop your tears nor your guilt from crawling at your heart... I feel like I'm failing as your husband... So please..."

Soraru pulled himself away from Mafu at arm's length, lifting both forefingers to the sides of Mafu's ripe lips, gently tugged at them to opposite directions from one another.

"Smile for me, alright...?"

Mafu stared at him with utter disbelief. He reached Soraru's arms and moved them from his face so he could close the distance between them with a kiss.

Soraru's blue orbs were opened wide in surprise. Mafu was never the one to make the first move. It would only be on special occasions. Like when he was drunk because Luz sneakily poured more wine into his glass. But for sure, Soraru would never waste even one second when Mafu invited him like this.

Due to the unexpected kiss, Mafu could slip his tongue easily into Soraru's damp lair, exploring the territory with a sudden expertise. Temperature rose around them, and Soraru felt Mafu's fingers at his hair, gripping onto his dark-blue locks. He practically pressed their figure together, racing heartbeats pounding against each other.

As a sultry moan escaped Soraru's throat and was swallowed by Mafu's mouth, the King felt his angel already had his sweet time.

Mafu's whole being shuddered with excitement when Soraru took over dominance like he always did, tongue invading his own lair and roaming at the area he had countless time tasted. It was so smooth as Mafu had expected. His hands later shifted from Soraru's dark locks to circle his neck, pulling him to deepen their kiss.

Getting the idea, Soraru nibbled at Mafu's tongue and sucked on it, causing his spilling moans to be greedily swallowed by the King's mouth. Soraru took another step forward, and the angel let him pushing his body until his back was flat against the dining table, still with their lips refusing to leave each other's.

Sadly they had lungs to fulfill, so eventually they parted, hot breaths colliding and faces way too warm for their liking. Soraru licked his own lips, and pecked the tip of Mafu's nose, "Could you smile for me now, angel?"

"... Sure, Soraru-sama" Mafu's lips formed a thin line, stretching slowly to the side, "I'll do my best for you then, My King!"

"Thank you, Mafu" Soraru presented him with another kiss. A shorter one than the previous, but still loving like always, "Shall we begin our day, then? If I'm not wrong, I have tons to paper to do since I'm already awake, so will you accompany me, angel?"

"Of course! Anything for you, Soraru-sama!"

"Be careful if you want to say that words out loud, Mafu" Soraru chuckled, poking the angel's nose with his forefinger playfully, "You know I'm not the one to have a kind personality"

Mafu pouted, puffing one of his cheeks, "I know that well. You're almost as cunning as Araki-san, not to mention you're such a tease on bed"

"Now, now, we'll leave that one for later discussion. Come on, angel" Soraru took a step back as he pulled Mafu along with him, "Get down from that table, will you? You'll burden your wings"

"I'm surprised you care about my wings" Mafu changed his pout to a snicker as he hopped down from the table, fluttering the said wings a bit.

"I care every single thing about you, silly" Soraru patted Mafu's snow hair affectionately, earning a toothy grin from the other.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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