Don't Leave

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Knock, knock, knock!

"Hai, just a moment!" the man replied to whoever was knocking hastily on the door. He jogged from his room to the door, opened the padlock, and swung the door inside. He gasped.

"Mafu-kun and Soraru-sama?!"

"Sou-kun! Keep your voice down!" Mafu hissed as he stepped into the man's house with the unconscious Soraru in his arms, "I need your help, Sou-kun! This concerns Soraru-sama's life!" he yelled frantically. With bead of sweats and tears running all over his face, Mafu looked pathetic, but the angel didn't have time to worry about his appearance.

"I-- I understand! Bring Soraru-sama to my workplace while I look for my book!" the man said as he ran back to his room, rummaging through his old shelves.

Sou, a brunet with a pair of bright sapphires, was the kingdom's strongest mage even though he was only in his early 20s. He knew Mafu well since he was 17 years old and had been close friends ever since. Of course, he knew about Mafu's true identity. His powers consisted of elements of nature, healing, and support aura.

(why that sounds like game's skills for me--)

"Mafu-kun, what happened?" Sou asked worryingly as he entered the room where he usually practiced his magic, approaching Soraru who lied down on a long wooden pedestal by Mafu in the middle of the room.

"I was doing hand-to-hand combat with Soraru-sama earlier! I forgot that his soul has been unstable since my fight with him! I forgot, Sou-kun! I completely forgot..." Mafu burst into tears, his breathing seemed to get heavier every second, and his next sentences turned into incoherent broken mumbles.

"Mafu-kun, calm down... I'll help you..." Sou tried to calm the wailing angel by stroking his shoulder blades gently, "But if you want better results, don't you have to bring Soraru-sama to Araki-san? About something concerning human souls like this... This isn't my specialty... "

"But I'm afraid, Sou-kun..." Mafu wiped his tears by the heels of his palms, wishing them to stop, but it would only make them worse, "I'm afraid Araki-sama will stop me from seeing Soraru-sama again after this! I still want to meet him, drink tea with him, and chat with him again... I don't want to leave him... "

Sou sighed with a tired smile, "Alright if that's what you want, Mafu-kun"

As a creature from the Dead Realm and had lived for thousand of years, Mafu understood every word Sou uttered as he began the soul resurrection. Everything was about the human body and soul. Mafu could only hope that Sou would success, because if he didn't, how could he explain the death of Soraru to his people?

Moments later, Sou turned around, looking at Mafu languidly, "Mafu-kun, I've tried, but sorry. I'm not strong enough for this. I'm a mage, not a necromancer. You really have to see Araki-san if you want to save Soraru-sama... His soul is at the edge of your scythe now... "

Mafu kept his scythe necklace in his fist and closed his eyes, his voice stammered as he talked, "B-But, Sou-kun... Araki-san will definitely--"

"What will I do, hmm?"

Mafu froze hearing that voice. He snapped his eyes open and immediately turned his head to the door, and saw a messy apple mane leaning onto the doorway. His scaly wings folded behind his back, and a pair of pointed horns stood between his disheveled strands.

"I'm sorry, Mafu-kun, but there is no other choice but to call Araki-san" Sou looked down and stepped back from Soraru's body.

"Restoring a human's soul is not difficult for me" Araki, the Demon King, approached Soraru's body and looked at him for a moment. He then turned his head towards Mafu, "Son, meet me after you return Soraru-sama to the palace. There are many things we must discuss"

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