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A male was seen on the garden bench, legs swaying languidly below the wooden surface and barely brushing the damp grasses with his shoes. A pair of enormous, feather black wings connected to his back rested along the bench, spreading widely yet grimly. A large, long scythe sat by his lap, being held by shaking pale hands.

His empty gaze flew to the bright, blue sky above. His red orbs, almost reaching the precise shade of fresh blood, lost their vibrant lights since two months ago. His expression was blank with no frown on the forehead, nor twitch on the lips, nor blink from those eyes. He didn't even bother to block the blinding sun that hit his face.

"Mafu-kun? You're still here?" a soft, light voice called.

Another male entered the garden. His slight reddish brown hair was kept quite untidy, and his bright red orbs stared at the winged male worryingly as he took a seat beside him. He lifted a hand to caress his shoulder in a calming manner. Seeing no reaction from the other, he sighed inwardly, "I knew you'd come back here, but you can't blame yourself forever, Mafu-kun"  

"How could I not, Amatsuki-kun?"

Finally managed to draw a reaction from Mafu surely relieved Amatsuki, but he didn't hope for being spat in the face with a cold and stern tone from his best friend. Oh no, Amatsuki never wanted that. He knew better than anyone to not disturb an upset Mafu.

"This whole thing is my fault. I'm the one behind his awful conditions. There's no one to blame but me. My fault, and my fault only"

Amatsuki opened his mouth, ready to counter Mafu's statement, but a hurried clatter of steps halted his words. It didn't take long until a red-haired male showed up on the garden, hand resting on its white fence as he regained his ragged breath.

"H- He's awake!!" he declared, voice raspy yet firm as he looked at the two males that turned their heads the moment they heard his arrival, "Soraru-sama is awake!!"

Mafu's orbs widened in shock, while Amatsuki immediately stood up from his seat, "Is it true?" he asked, wanting for confirmation.

"Yes! I would never lie about it!" the red-haired breathed out.

"Soraru-sama... Is awake..." Mafu stood up and tightened his grip on his scythe.

Both of them didn't have time to react when Mafu's wings brought the winged male flew into the palace's corridor with speed that could beat a launching arrow, leaving Amatsuki and the red-haired in the garden, stunned on their feet.


Mafu landed with a loud 'thump' from in front of the King's Chamber. His scythe had shrunk along his small flight, fitting even inside his fist. He pulled out a thin string from the base of it and wore his scythe around his neck like an accessory.

He fixed his gaze towards the door before him, heart pounded strongly against his rib cage. Hesitantly, he balled his hand to a fist and used his knuckles to knock onto the wooden surface thrice. He took a step back as the door swung open inside, and a certain guard with purple hair and a mole under his left eye bloomed a polite smile upon seeing the winged male.

"Mafu-san. I've waited for your presence"

"Shima-kun" Mafu bowed his head and entered the chamber after the King's Guard, Shima, stepped to the side.

A wide, luxurious bed was placed in front of them, and a male was sitting on it, his lower body hidden under the white sheets. He had thick and messy dark blue hair, to the point his bangs nearly covering his half-lidded eyes, and skin as fair as a plain sheet of paper. 

His gaze was as empty as Mafu's when the winged male was staring at the sky earlier, and his once shining sapphires were dull both in colour and light. As if his soul was already taken from him. As if he was nothing but a lifeless doll, created ever so perfectly, yet wouldn't be more than just a replica of human.

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