Loyal Allies

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It was burning, but freezing at the same time.

His breathing was ragged, chest rising and falling heavily on each gulp of air he drew after every splash. His figure shook severely after every combustion he received. His soul was as if being pulled forcefully from his body, from his own flesh.

It was painful.

It hurt so bad. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt--

Another scream ripped the air as he felt the blazing fire on his skin once again. Rattles of chains from his tightly wrapped wrists echoed in his ears, along with his agonizing voice and the howl of laughter from the culprit. He couldn't do anything but getting weaker after each contact with the intense element.

The heat from the fire faded, and was immediately replaced by the cold from the water.

Blood gushed out from his mouth as his next scream broke his throat. His initially high temperature was gradually decreased by the splash of ice cold water that rained his vulnerable figure, creating a puddle of water mixed with red underneath him.

It hurt. It hurt so bad. Why didn't he just die?

A bead of tear ran down his cheek, dripping onto the bloodied puddle.

No, he couldn't die now.

He still had someone back home. Someone he adored. Someone he treasured. Someone he cherished. Someone who made a sacred promise with him.

Someone he loved for dear life.

A faint sob was heard, before consumed by yet another scream.


"Soraru-sama! Soraru-sama!!"

Soraru opened his eyes, and was greeted by Mafu's worried face.

"Are you alright? You kept stirring in your sleep!"

Soraru winced as he brought himself to a sitting position, with Mafu already seated neatly on his side. The King's sapphires still had the cautious and panicked look in them, but they were softened gradually as Mafu ran his thumb on his hand gently.

"I'm fine, Mafu... Thank you for asking-- Hm?" Soraru turned his head as he felt a familiar dampness that hit his hand for the second time that day. As he expected, it was Mafu's tears, and Soraru hated it when his husband cried. He raised his hand to caress Mafu's cheek and pecked his teary eyelid in hope to stop his crying.  

"Aren't you tired from crying too much, Mafu?" Soraru asked softly.

Mafu stayed still, before nodding his head, "I- I just... Soraru-sama were dreaming about it, weren't you...? When you were..." he averted his gaze away, didn't have the courage to say that word, "It was all my fault--"

"It wasn't" Soraru cut him off, gaze stern and voice demanding, "If you keep saying that, then I'll have to punish you"

"Eh?!" Mafu nearly shrieked as his already flushed face by the tears got more reddened, "B- But, your current condition...!" he dismissed his hand frantically sideways, lips trembling as incoherent words slipping out.

"Hmm?" Soraru merely hummed, satisfaction tugged his lips to the side, creating a challenging smirk, "Are you underestimating me, Mafu?"

Mafu stared at his King in disbelief, lips parting and closing for he didn't prepare what should he said next. After repeating the same demeanor for a while, Mafu shook his head quickly, "I sincerely apologize..." 

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