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Soraru didn't see Mafu at all at the next day. Normally, he would greet him in front his chamber's door with a playful smile, giving him a 'good morning' in a singsong voice, and they would walk together to the dining room as they chatted about various things. It was some of the moments Soraru greatly cherished. Walking alone on the palace's corridor seemed to be an alien thing to him by now.

Could he be staying at Amatsuki-kun's house?

It was a possibility. The Bard was a close friend to the Angel of Death. However, Soraru did find it odd for Mafu suddenly dragging Amatsuki away the moment they stepped out from the carriage. He didn't get to see what expression the angel was having since he was running so fast. Amatsuki didn't even bid a proper goodbye to him and the others.

In the dining room, he had breakfast all by himself (actually there were servants around, but you know what I mean--) due to Shima was resting this morning. Yesterday he missed the chance to sleep because he had to stay awake for Soraru during the trip back home, thus the King gave him time to sleep today. Soraru couldn't deny how different the atmosphere here when there wasn't Mafu by his side.

It was cold, and Soraru disliked it.

If Mafu was here, the angel would first babble about random things as he waited for Soraru finishing his breakfast, only then he persuade the King to have a chat as their tea time had come. The Angel of Death's face would always lit up whenever he was by the King's side. Being here without his presence was just plain unsettling for Soraru.

Stealing a glance to the chair on his left, Soraru could imagine Mafu sitting there, sipping his tea gracefully before he ruined it ever so annoyingly with another pointless ramblings. He could imagine Mafu's expression as he talked, as if the angel was really before him.

Soraru huffed a breath. Even Mafu's voice resonated in his head.

"Soraru-sama, some day let's eat cheesecake together again! This kingdom's recipe is my favorite since the first you offered it to me! It's really delicious! It left me craving for more, you know?"

"Did you know, Soraru-sama? Yesterday I had a fight with Luz-kun! As a noble demon, not to mention he's Araki-san's personal servant as well, he put up a tough fight with me! But of course he lost in the end! I'm the strongest after all!"

"Soraru-sama, you look worn out! Just take a look at the black circles under your eyes! Your tasks are pilling up again, aren't they? Let's have a walk to the backyard garden then! I'm sure you'll feel better after relaxing there!"

A bitter laugh escaped Soraru's lips. Every single thing about Mafu could be pictured clearly in his head. The servants decided not to budge when they saw their king raked his fingers through his dark blue nest and continued to laugh humourlessly.


Two days had rolled away since Mafu didn't show up in the palace. Not only Soraru, even Shima and the palace's attendants started to wonder where the Angel of Death is. Soraru said to them that he would look for him, and asked Shima to accompany him to find Mafu.

"It would be my pleasure, Soraru-sama" Shima agreed without thinking twice.

Thus with more casual-looking clothes, they entered the populated region of the kingdom. Soraru hid his crown and tidied up his dark blue hair, tying some of his long strands. Reaching for his bangs and frowning at it, Soraru mused inwardly. Maybe I should get a haircut soon.

"You look dashing with your hair all tidied up like that, Soraru-sama" Shima teased with a slight chuckle as they walked on the main road. 

"Urusai, it's my disguise"  Soraru grumbled with his face warm, throwing a sharp side glance to his guard, "And drop the formalities when you're talking to me here. You got it?" 

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