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With no one realizing it, three months had rolled since the deadly fight in the Dead Realm. Gradually yet surely, the palace's attendants accepted Mafu as a part of the kingdom, thus the Angel of Death could show his form freely around the palace by now. All servants were elated by his cheerful personality, which sometimes helped lifted their mood if they were having a bad day. Mafu's battle experiences also helped the soldiers a lot. The angel had some great (yet deadly--) techniques he could share to them.

Still, he hadn't sure about showing his form outside the palace. He was a feared myth after all. Not all people would accept him. Maybe it was just pure luck the palace's attendants liked him, and he didn't want to test the said luck for Soraru's people.

That morning, we have the two kings, a demon, and an angel of death in the dining room, relishing their respectful morning tea party after breakfast. It was all calming and peaceful, until Araki spoke up.

"Soraru-san, may I ask you a favour?"

"Hmm, depends on what you're asking me, Araki-san"

The two kings had come to an agreement to drop the "sama" honorifics every time they called each other. They may be kings, but they had been friends and allies for some time by now.

"This concerns about the three months ago's event" Araki stated calmly, twirling some of his long red strands around his forefinger, "I have strengthened your soul so it won't be fragile as last time, and in order to do so, I spared you a bit of my power, but that's for future discussion. What I want to ask you now, Soraru-san, is the payment"

Soraru actually saw it coming. After knowing he was healed by a demon; a Demon King, nevertheless, he was sure there must be a cost for it. He just hoped Araki didn't ask for his limbs or something like he usually heard from the folklores.

"Alright, what should I give you?" Soraru asked.

Araki stopped playing with his hair and smirked. Soraru squinted his eyes, eyeing the Demon King's swaying tail suspiciously.

"As your payment, I want you to take care of Mafu"

"Why me?!" Mafu spontaneously shouted, but Luz quickly gagged his mouth with a piece of chocolate souffle, giggling ever so playfully.

"May I ask the reason behind your request?" Soraru questioned, inquiring for an explanation.

"Mafu has now become part of two kingdoms. Yours and mine. Unlike him, Luz-kun and I couldn't stay in the human world for too long because simply being here drained our energy little by little. Hence why I want you to take care of him while we aren't here"

"Is that so?" Soraru heaved a relief breath. Thankfully Araki's request was far from his expectation, "Alright, I shall accept your request. Thank you, Araki-san" 

"No, no. Thank you for willing to take care of Mafu, Soraru-san" Araki smiled, but not the playful nor sly smile he usually showed. It was a sincere smile, and Soraru felt himself smiling too.

Ever since Mafu's appearance, Soraru felt he managed to express his emotions better than ever. His old self could never smile this often, and his old self could never socialize this far to the point he had a connection to the Dead Realm.

"Take care of my best friend, Soraru-sama" Luz passed his message to the King as they bid their farewell from the human world, "If he ever does something weird to you, just report it to Amatsuk-kun. As his mother, he will scold him properly"

"Luz-kun! What do think you I am?! A child?!" Mafu protested.

"That's all, Soraru-sama, Mafu-kun. Jaa ne" Luz ignored the angel's unwilling screech and followed his King, exiting the palace by fading to the thin air.

"Jaa ne" Soraru waved a hand to the now disappeared two demons, before turning around to face Mafu who already stood up from his chair, glaring at nothingness, "Now you're like a lost child entrusted to me. A fussy, loud, clingy, and troubled child at that too"

"Wow, that was too much, Soraru-sama" Mafu kept his smile steady even if Soraru just chided him like that, "Yes, I know I'm fussy and too loud as well. I couldn't stay put in one place like a tortured man, and cause some troubles, especially to you. But that's exactly why you like me, desho?" he snickered confidently.

"Absolute bollocks" Soraru denied with his face too warm to his liking, "I swear you're getting more narcissistic everyday--"

Knock, knock, knock.

The bickering halted at the sound from the other side of the door.

"Sumimasen, Soraru-sama" the dining room's doors swung upon, and Shima walked inside. Seeing Mafu, he smiled politely and slightly bowed his head, "Mafu-san"

Mafu replied his smile with a softer one, "Shima-kun"

"What is it, Shima-kun?" the King asked.

"A message has come from the nearby kingdom" the King's Guard handed over a parchment roll to his King, "This is an invitation addressed specifically to you, and if Soraru-san wishes to, you may bring some people of your choices along"

"Ah, is that so?" Soraru untied the smooth blue rope that circled the parchment and read it carefully. Mafu leaned near Soraru's shoulder, wishing to read it as well, but then a shriek escaped his ripe lips as a hand blocked his vision, pushing him away from the parchment and causing him to let out a series of whines.

With a flat expression and one hand still on Mafu's face, Soraru asked Shima who just sweatdropped watching their banters, "A ball invitation huh? Very well then. If you want to, you could bring your three best friends as well"

Shima blinked several times, "Are you sure, Soraru-sama?"

"Of course. I'll be glad to see them again"

"I understand. I will convey this invitation to them. Arigatou gozaimasu, Soraru-sama" he bowed respectfully, and took his leave.

"Soraru-sama!" Mafu exclaimed furiously when Soraru finally removed his hand from his face, "I just want to see it! Why didn't you let me to?!"

"Patience, lad. The King shalt reads first before thee" Soraru stated cockily.

"Lad?! I'm way~ more older than you! Hmph!" Mafu puffed both his cheeks and crossed his arms over his chest, a gesture he would always do whenever he was unsatisfied or taking a dislike on something, and Kami-sama, he looks so adorable like this.

Have some control on yourself, Soraru, the King reminded himself inwardly, stroking his chest in attempt to keep his mind restrained.


A/N : Have some fluffy (?) moments from the King and the Angel of Death before *coughs* angst *coughs*. Ahem, forgive me, I haven't drink since five in the morning.

See you next time!

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