Chapter 11-It felt like everything was going to be okay

Start from the beginning

"Okay, okay. We can just ask people who were at the party if they know him" John b says still pacing.

"John b" I say lightly.

"Or um- we could g-" He says but I cut him off.

"John B please stop. It's fine" I say standing up.

"No it's not! Its not fine, I was supposed to protect you and I didn't and look what happened" My brother said sitting back on the bed putting his head in his hands. He thought it was his fault...

"No, don't say that. It wasn't your fault. I was drunk and wouldn't of listened anyway." I tell him truthfully. "You're the best brother I could ask for"

John b looked up and smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"I love you" I say still embrassed in his hug.

"Love you too little sis" He chuckles pulling away from the hug.

"By 17 minute John B, 17 minutes" I remind him rolling my eyes. He walks to the door and opens it.

"goodnight" He says before closing the door.

"Night" I tell him.


We all were piled into the twinkie driving to a hotel on figure 8 to get computer access. John b drove with JJ riding shotgun while me, Kie and Pope were all in the back. I was on the floor while Kie played with my hair. After a while in the van we got to the resort.

"Okay were behind enemy lines" JJ said grabbing the gun out of the glove department.

"JJ you're not bringing the gun" John b said looking at the blond headed boy.

"I suspect bringing a gun is going to cause more problems then solve them"Pope added.

"I swear if you don't put that gun back I'm going to kill you with it" I say sticking my head up front inbetween the two boys.

"Fine,fine" JJ said putting the gun back and grabbing a badge. "Professional bus boy" He bragged which made me smile. We walked through a back entrance which led us through a kitchen where JJ seemed to know everyone.

"Andrew, hows it going?" JJ said to one of the workers.

"Hey JJ" The guy said back to JJ.

"Mama L looks good" JJ said picking up some food of a plate this women was preparing. The women scolded JJ and swatted his fingers away. JJ led us to some back room where there was a desk with a computer.

"Oh sweet lord the internet" Pope said rushing to the computer.

"Sweet I gotta check out my insta models" JJ joked. He looked up at me with a grin, I just rolled my eyes and focused on helping pope with the coordanites. John B handed pope a piece of paper that had the coordinates dad gave us.

"Please be on the high side?" I wished as pope zoomed in on the spot.

"It is, Only 900 feet!" John b exclaimed.

"is that doable or something" Kie questioned as I slung my arm around her.

"Totally doable" I said pulling her closer to the computer.

"Will we be taking your personal submarine?" Pope ask sarcastically.

"The salvage yard!" JJ replied to Popes comment. We all looked at him confused about what he was talking about. I moved my arm off Kies shoulder and moved behind JJ.

"They got a drone that can drop like 1000. It has 360 cameras and everything. It's for deep dives and stuff." JJ explained to all of us.

"And can your dad get his grimy little hands on it" John b question making me scold him. JJ was always sensitive when it came to his father because of obvious reasons.

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