“Well, I was just calling to inform you that Mr. Kyleman will unfortunately not be able to see you this afternoon. As something has come up.”

I stare at the wall in confusion, until a light bulb goes off in my head.

Mr. Ruby Suit.

“No, no. That’s perfect, thank you for letting me know.” I smile at Kendall, evilly.

“Mr. Kyleman says, however that you should be ready at the same time next weekend.” My eyebrow quirks in reply, causing the brunette opposite from me to raise her hands in question. I shake my head at her and instead reply smugly,

“That will not be possible, as I have a work function that I have to attend.”

Which isn’t a complete lie since the school is having a mini carnival to raise funds for new textbooks. Now I’ll just have to phone, the principle, Mrs. Ferguson and tell her that I will be helping out. This must have caught the woman on the other end of the line off guard, as she doesn’t reply for a few seconds.

“Oh, well. I shall inform Mr. Kyleman of your obligations. Sorry to have bothered you.” She responds, tumbling over her words slightly.

“Thank you, enjoy your day.”

“Yes, you too.” The line goes dead and I place my cellphone back onto the table.

                                “Well that was interesting.” I mumble, looking at my best friend. “Do you remember that creepy English man my Father introduced me to at Kyle’s gallery?” I question, taking a sip from my coffee cup. “Aren’t we all English?” My eyes roll automatically at Kendall’s sarcastic reply. Which doesn’t really make any sense, but I ignore that fact and carry on with the topic at hand.

“You know what I mean, the British one.” She nods her head, making a few strands of her brown hair to fall from her bun and frame her oval shaped face.

“Well that was his assistant calling to say he won’t be able to make it to our ‘date’.” Both my forefingers are put up in air quotes at the mention of a date.

“You must admit that, guy has some serious issues, but he does have balls though.” She bows down in mock praise.

I bob my head once in agreement; the guy really couldn’t take a hint. Him having balls was a bit of a stretch since he seemed to be one that hid behind everybody else and always thought about what others would say or think before his own thoughts or opinions. I am not going to say that to Kendall though, because she will probably go on about how I am observing again. Even if I am, I am not ready for that discussion right now. Especially when a particular Italian man is still keeping my thoughts hostage. I haven’t met any new guys since hooking up with Giovanni and I don’t know if I should be more scared of the fact that I don’t mind or the fact I am having a dry spell.

Sure he was my first, but surely enough time has passed for me to look for another?

The Italian Businessman (Old Version).Where stories live. Discover now