Blearily, the man looked up at her. He weakly smiled. "Girlie?"

He whimpered as a fist connected with his cheek.

"You ruined me!" She screamed. "You ruined everything! I fucking hate you!"

"What the fuck is going on down here?" Came a yell.

Swiftly, Obito switched masks but Miyuki was too busy furiously beating the man to realise.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" She screamed, stabbing his shoulder with a kunai. Tears dripped down her face, eyes spinning crimson in fury.

Hidan gaped.

Tobi had brought Yuu down to the basement.

And he was just standing there as she beat the shit out of the captive.

And Yuu had the fucking sharingan.

"What the fuck?"

Breathing heavily, Miyuki glared at at Hidan. "Out," she hissed, lifting her kunai again.

The man whimpered, clutching the exposed bone on his broken legs as he thrashed around at the feeling of the knife cutting into him.

Obito caught Miyuki's hand before the kunai impaled his chest.

"Yuu-chan, you can't kill the captive! Hidan-senpai wants to sacrifice him!"

Miyuki froze at the voice.

"Tobi," Hidan seethed. "I thought everyone agreed we wouldn't bring the fucking kid down here."

Obito tilted his head. "Tobi got permission from Leader-sama!"

"Yeah? Well get out. This guy's ankles are still intact."

Tobi shook his head. "Leader-sama wants Yuu-chan to heal Akio-teme."

Hidan paused.

"That's so he doesn't succumb to his injuries, right?" He checked.

Tobi nodded.

A grin spread across Hidan's face.

"I'll leave you to it, then, kid," Hidan smirked, spitting on Akio before he left.

A few moments of silence.

"You're Tobi?" Miyuki asked, voice breaking. "I thought we didn't keep things from eachother."

Panicked, Obito quickly shook his head. "It was a joke, Miyu-chan. I wanted to see how long it was till you realised by my chakra."

She sighed.

"Hidan said his ankles weren't broken, right?" She checked, peering down at the bloody, crying Akio.

Obito nodded slowly.

She reached inside her shirt and pulled out a metal bat.

The most weirded out, horrified, and strangely fascinated look came onto Obito's face from behind his mask.

"Did you pull that from your bra?" He squeaked, his ears visibly red.

She smiled. "Yes. Yes I did. There's a seal on my chest."

Naruto made it for me back in the academy. Who knew he was good at fuinjutsu?

Obito squinted, processing the information as she swung the bat down.


She rose the now bloody bat threateningly.

He put his hands up in surrender.

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