"Precise," Jisoo pondered, "but sarcastic with the Lisa part." And she rolled her eyes as she sipped on her latte, side eyeing Jennie like a bitch.

"I'm serious!" Jennie fussed but Lisa calmed her down while laughing.

"Ignore her Jennie, she's a fool." Rosé said as she slapped Jisoo on her thigh. The girl yelped in pain and shrieked, "Ouch- shut up, flower girl!"

"Just stating facts." The blonde sassily flipped her hair into Jisoo's face and the girl just squealed in horror.

"Ugh your hair stinks! What shampoo do you even use?!"

"The one you recommended me?" Rosé stated innocently.

"Oh my god, what? I mean I admit it does smell bad sometimes but it couldn't possibly smell THIS bad?! Don't you dare insult my shampoo!"

"And don't you dare insult my hair."

The blonde rolled her eyes at the fussy lady before zooming forward to her and jokingly pouting her lips out to kiss the girl. It wouldn't have touched Jisoo's cheeks, but the dramatic girl flinched, TOWARDS her instead of AWAY.

"Argh! This is disgusting! You are disgusting! You just kissed me!!" She swat her face frustratedly.

"Shut the frick up, you were the one who moved your face forward ma'am?"

"Acorn, I'm warning you," Jisoo pointed, distancing herself from the girl who made her annoyed, "I have a damn husband. But if I were gay, you better watch out. Because I would date you, no cap."

Rosé displeasedly shook her head at her, ignoring the furious married lady as she turned back to Lisa and Jennie who were staring back at them baffled, trying to hold in their laughter.

"One second you guys came for comfort and the next you're about to decease of laughter? What the hell is up with you people?" She added after watching the couple cackle in silence.

"Okay, you know what? I'm out. Y'all are all too weird for my liking." The precious innocent, only norm person— Rosé was about to lift her ass off the chair but Jisoo pulled her down forcefully.

"Sit, you yappy girly."

Rosé let out a scoff.

"Fine, back to what we were sayin-" She started, but got interrupted.

"Yeah, you know, ignore the 'you'll forever be a bitch for being a cheater' and all that shit. At least you guys are taking it maturely. Look on the bright side, you have us." Jisoo cut in.

Rosé rolled her eyes, "Andddd you finally said something useful after three hours of sitting there, sipping on coffee, and spouting nonsense like a sappy bitch."

Jisoo rolled her eyes and turned away to look out the cafe window. "Well at least I said something useful, you ungrateful withered rose." Rosé gaped at the girl who just insulted her, this was probably going to be her third nickname from the crazy married lady.

"Thanks, we'll be fine though." Lisa reassured, smiling towards the other two.

Jisoo nod her head proudly before standing up as she snatched her bag from Rosé's lap.

"Of course you will be, because I'm here." She smirked arrogantly and waved to her friends, "If that's all, I'll have to make a move first, I'm going on a date with my husband. Call me if you need anything, see y'all lovely losers soon."

The married lady skipped away to the entrance before the three could respond and they watched as she barged into a car by the roadside.

"I have to go as well, dinner date with dad." Rosé cheerfully stated as she tidied herself and waved to the couple. "Don't forget our plans this weekend!"

That leaves Lisa and Jennie alone. They watched as their friends left one by one, and stayed in their seats hand in hand. It was smart to call Jisoo and Rosé out to talk since it did manage to lift their moods.

Sometimes family isn't just about blood,
friends are family.

Lisa hasn't seen her parents since the day they left to Thailand, and Jennie wasn't on about spilling this to hers right away so Jisoo and Rosé were the alternative they'd always go for.

It was heartwarming to find out the two didn't mind having dinner with them first although they originally had dinner dates with other people. It showed that they truly cared.

And the fact that Rosé and Jisoo didn't judge Jennie for cheating in her relationship shows how well they could take things and reciprocate suitable advice accordingly.

Jennie sighed as she rubbed her thumb on Lisa's hand, making the girl look towards her.

"You're tired." Lisa paused as she stared at the girl, "I think you need some alone time for today, come on I'll send you home."

"No Lisa, I don't know how to face my parents like this." Jennie closed her eyes as she leaned onto Lisa's shoulder.

"You don't have to tell them about it now, just go home and get some sleep, how about that? I'll see you tomorrow." Lisa cooed.

"But I don't want to be alone, especially not tonight."

Lisa turned to Jennie and found her glancing back. She sent the brunette a small smile before leading her to head over to her car.

"Then how about we go back to my place for the night?" She suggested as she started driving.

"I guess that works." Jennie paused to ask, "Are we gonna do anything?"

Lisa gave her a dirty look at first but stopped when she saw Jennie glaring at her weakly.

"We literally just did it yesterday and you're thinking of doing it again tonight? What are you-"

"Okay, I promise just cuddle and sleep tonight, just cuddles." She surrendered, beaming as she focused her eyes back on the road. At the corner of her eyes, she saw a soft smile crept up to Jennie's lips as she looked down.

Ah, to be in love.

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