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deciding to break the nerve-wracking silence, i spoke. "i have a proposition for you."

seonghwa flinched. "huh? p-proposition?" he stuttered, blinking his eyes.

it's evident that he's terrified given by his stutters, facial expressions, especially that unbelievable amount of sweat on his neck.

"work for me." i said bluntly. "we need a house doctor and—"

"WAIT!" he interrupted, making frantic hand gestures. "I-I CAN'T! I HAVE A WORK ALREADY AND A-ALSO—"

"PARK SEONGHWA!" i yelled to help him calm down. it's a habit i got from hongjoong hyung.

he stopped talking as he tried to catch his breath. he awkwardly sat down and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"calm down." i said softly, trying to put him at ease. "let me explain." i added as he nodded in response.

"i have a hyung who's afraid of doctors." i began as i tried to sound sincere. "i'll admit. from what you heard at the bar, it's obvious that i'm not living a safe life and so does my hyung. whenever we get attacked or ambushed, there's no one to mend him. his fear of doctors and hospitals caused him to treat his injuries alone."

seonghwa remained silent. but his expression tells me that he pities hyung.

"i only know basic care so i can't work with serious injuries." i said, laughing awkwardly in the end. "i only know first aid though." i added, pouting.

his eyebrows furrowed as he began to think. "umm..."

"it's okay, you can take your time—"

"why me?" he interrupted with a monotonous voice. "there's a lot of doctors out there, why me?"

resting my right cheek on my right hand, i replied. "your clinic is a mess, your fringe and beard is kinda long, your name plate indicates you work in a different hospital aside from this clinic that you own. you're overworked in short."

he blinked his eyes, confused as to why i got the details right.

"today is friday, which means pay day. so you went to a mart nearby, brought some wine and meat to celebrate. but that hospital's pay is low from what i heard so you only bought cheap meat." i continued, smiling.

his eyes doubled in size. "h-how did you..."

"while you were focused on the first aid earlier, i checked your grocery bag." i replied with a laugh. "i was hoping for a candy or just a snack." i pouted.

"but don't think this is charity work." i stated, starting to take things seriously. "you heard a lot from me and do you think i'll let you off the hook easily? you may have just realized it now but i'm not just a businessman who's at the cover of a magazine."



i made the right choice of not expecting to be confined at a warehouse or some sort. as what i thought, i was taken to this man's mansion and got locked up in a nice decorated guest room.

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