chapter 10

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"Hey, can I come in?" I hear his voice asking. 

I sit up, "Yeah." I say. 

He walks in and sits next to me, "So?" I ask.

"You're okay, right?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"I don't know, I mean your ex just texted me." He says. 

"I really hated him, a part of me always did." I continue, "My mom made me do so many things I didn't want to." 

"Yeah, I understand." He says, "You never liked him?" 

"Well he was attractive but I wouldn't see myself with him." I say, "I'd see myself with someone... like you."

He looks at me blankly, my cheeks heat up when he smiles. He leans in and kisses me hard, I wrap my arms around his neck and stand with him. He backs up leading me to the door and kicks it shut. I follow him back over with out breaking our touch and fall on top of him. 

I wake up to a voice saying, "Stay away from this house!" 

I open my eyes and see Liam walking around in his boxers. He looks at me and pulls the phone away from his ear. With one click on the screen he drops the phone and walks over to me. 

"Morning." He says. 

"Morning." I groan back. 

He kisses me lightly and smiles above my lips, "Sorry." He says.

"What was that about?" I ask. 

"Just a guy who belongs in hell." He growls.

"Okay!" I say laughing.

He pulls me into his chest squeezing me, "Can we just cuddle?" He groans.

"Yessss!" I squeal and hold my hands on his. 

He places his mouth above my ear and whispers, "Where do you want to go today?" 

I look up at his face and smile. "How about we go to a party." I say.

"Nope." He says. 

I giggle while squirming around, "Good because I just want to go on a walk." I say. 

He nods and kisses my head, "Just ten more minutes." He says. 

"Okie." I say and nuzzle my head in his chest. 

Two weeks pass and me and Liam are doing great. I've completely forgotten about Noah, he's ancient history. Liam eventually forgot about him too and we both got new friends, Madi stayed with me though. His mom eventually got used to the idea of me and Liam in the same room almost all of the time. When I walk out of my room I hear Liam's mom down stairs cleaning the kitchen. I barely ever see her out of the kitchen. 

"Hey." I say sitting in a stool.

"Hey hon, it's two in the morning." She says walking to me, "What're you doing up?"

"I can't sleep." I say. 

"Go back to bed crazy girl, I like your glasses." She says winking.

I walk back upstairs to my room and see Liam snoring on my bed. I climb in next to him carefully and cover up. He rolls around before facing me, his face sits a few inches away.

"What're you doing?" He groans.

"Sleeping babe." I say quietly.

"I can't." His voice raspy.

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