God's Precious Angel

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The feel of her little hand in yours makes you remember how precious life is.

Her blue eyes show you the world again in uninhibited discovery.

Her smile is more than infectious and it makes the whole world okay.

Her laugh is the most beautiful sound in all the world - better than anything Beethoven or Bach ever composed.

Her lips offer the sweetest most innocent kisses that seem to be from angels themselves.

To hear her say "I Love You" is to know that no matter what happens, life will be okay.

To talk with her is indescribable joy and she keeps you laughing simply by being herself.

She is perfection, an angel sent by God himself, in the form of a beautiful girl.

She is innocent, sweet, spoiled, moody, gorgeous, smart, and everything you dreamed she would be.

She never fails to amaze you.

You would do anything just to hear her laugh, see her smile, make her world right.

Her life is permanently part of your own, and you wouldn't trade a moment of it for anything in this entire wide world.

She shows you every day how to appreciate the little things.

To you she's everything and more.

Life without her is pointless and hollow.

Life with her is unpredictable and joyous and crazy and wonderful.

She trusts and loves and sees the good in people - she knows no evil.

She is the canvas for your greatest masterpiece.

She is optimistic and lovely and God's beloved creation.

The feel of her weight in your arms reminds you of simple happiness and how quickly it can be taken away from you - she inspires you to live in the moment and love with all your might and take nothing for granted.

She's your baby girl.

She's watching you - make every moment matter and remember that little hands are mimicking, feet are following, ears are listening, lips are echoing, and eyes are watching.

Show her what she means to you and cherish God's gift of his lovely little angel.

This poem was written to my sister, Angela, about her daughter, Alivia. :)

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