You Know You Want It

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You Know You Want It

he says, moving over me,

an avalanche,


I am rooted there, branches

splayed, trembling like the leaves

exposed to the wind by

Winter’s lusty intrusion.

His eyes burn,

so cold my body feels the heat.

He moves like an icy wave,

tearing away my bark and leaving

bare flesh exposed to his gaze,

his touch. His snow accumulates

and intensifies,

holding me captive,

invading my hollows,

my crevices, my limbs.

Struggling for breath,

searching for light,

clutching for water—

he perverts my need,

and I taste him,

ice seeping from my roots

through my veins.

He rushes over and around

and under and through me

and I am lost

beneath him,

my leaves impermissibly

wrenched away,

pieces of me left

with him, in him

as he drowns me,

freezes me,

and rolls away.

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