The Closed Door

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The door was just slammed in your face

You can't see the way out, the way up.

You're searching for an open door,

For a silver lining to the charade you've been living.

But when all you see is the darkness surrounding you, light seems a far cry from the truth.

You cry out to friends, those you thought cared.

They turn their back, saying only 'things will change for the better'.

Words meant to comfort add only to your distress.

You turn within yourself, searching for a way out of the hole you've fallen into.

But how can you find the answers to questions you can't even comprehend.

So you turn to God.

You cry out, falling on your knees, tears falling until your eyes give up and refuse to allow more to fall.

You turn your face up in the darkness,

Searching for the sunlight to warm you and dry the sparkling evidence of your pain.

God reaches out his hand and says,

"My child, I have not, nor will I ever, forsake you. I am here. I love you. Reach out your hand to Me and I will guide you through the darkness. Only trust in Me as you would no other. The light is there. The darkness will cease. A door will be opened to you. You are strong enough to survive. Only believe. I will not take you through what you cannot handle. I am your Father. Nothing is impossible through me. Let me show you the way."

You reach out and grasp with all your strength, pulling yourself up and allowing someone else to lead you through your life for a change.

God holds tight to your hand and guides you through a door, to the sunshine you've been longing to see.

You look back, knowing you should have called to him in the beginning.

You should have trusted him with all your heart and soul.

Your faith in and love for God grows inside you and you come into the sunshine a stronger and better person for having made it through the darkness to the blinding light that surrounds you in its wake.

Baring My Soul (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now