Chapter Twenty-Two: birthday Party

Start from the beginning

"Oh no." I said in a highpitched voice, my face ablaze in embarrassment.

I watched as Callum turned a laugh into a cough.

"My donkey seems to be missing a tail and the only one that could assist is this visually impaired stable boy." I said while my sister wrapped a scarf over Callum's eyes.

Callum was now fully decked out in a wide grin.

"Could you please assist us, stable boy." My voice cracked near the end, causing Callum to burst into laughter and my mom and dad to snicker as I put my hand on my head in pure embarrassment.

"Oh yes, please help us stable boy."

Why did we do this again? It had started out as a simple, 'let's just make sure he has a good time' and turned into me absolutely withering away in embarrassment.

My sister placed the 'tail' in Callum's hand and barked once for good luck. She spun Callum a few times and then set him off.

He walked in a straight line about a foot away from the donkey, a giant smile on his face.

"This is so dumb." He cackled, amusement in his voice.

He felt around on the wall until he decided he found it and stuck it to the wall... very far away from the donkey.

He took off his blindfold and laughed when he saw he wasn't anywhere close.

My family clapped: "Thank you kind, visually impaired young stable man!" They cheered.

"If you squint your eyes and turn your head it almost looks like in the right spot." I said

"Squint your eyes until they close, you mean?" Callum said, turning to me.

Callum looked at me, running his eyes over my costume before having to turn away (probably because of how stupid I looked).

"Ok!" sylvia cheered, taking off her dog ears, which were actually just a headband. "Next we have..." she looked at a pretend list on her phone. "Hide and seek!" She cheered. "I'll be it."

Callum took off his hat we had gave him and watched as Sylvia turned around and started obnoxiously counting.

Callum sent a glance to me, telling me to follow him with his eyes and we slowly made our way to the bathroom to hide in the small pantry behind the door that everyone always forgets is there.

Ok, everyone listen. When I say my heart was pounding I mean it was pounding. We were so close I could feel his breath on my head.

It was so quiet I literally expected him to be like: 'what's that noise? Sounds like a heartbeat or something'

Suddenly we heard: "Ready or not, here I come!" From Sylvia.

Callum and I stood impossibly still and impossibly close as we heard Sylvia open doors and close them.

"Callum." I whispered, feeling something move on my hand. "Stop moving, you're gonna give us away."

Callum grumbled, "I'm not moving."

"I can feel you touching my hand."

"I'm not moving, Josh." Callum chuckled.

I creaked the pantry door open just slightly and saw a big ass spider crawling on my hand. I (like any normal human would do) screamed in extreme terror and fell right on my butt outside of the pantry.

I was swatting at my hand like a madman. Shivers were running up and down my body and I had to physically hold back a gag.

Callum stepped out, laughing so hard there were tear in his eyes. I stood up with a shiver. I'm not really afraid of spiders, but you can't tell me that when you feel something crawling and look down to unexpectedly find a big ass spider on you, you won't jump.

Sylvia opened the door with a swing causing it to wack into the back of my head.

At first Callum crouched down and immediately asked if I was ok. After I said that I was and glared at Sylvia...

He broke into more laughter.

Callum offered me a hand, which I took, then we went back out to the living room and saw my parents standing there, annoyed that they were obviously found.


A few rounds of Hide and seek later and it was now time for some Just Dance 2020.

Callum rubbed his hands together, "Don't even think about winning, Im a literal god at this game."

My dad scoffed, "A demigod maybe."

Callum sent him a glare. "Is this a challenge?"

"Are you that dense?"

Callum smirked and me and my sister shared a worried glance.

"Game on old man."

"I might be old, but don't remember Callum, who feeds you?"

Callum rolled his eyes, "Stop stalling and press A."


"I'm really really really really really really really really really sorry babe." My dad said to my mom with a 'I've screwed tf up' look on his face. The TV sat on the ground, having toppled over off the entertainment center after dad accidentally threw the remote at the Tv so hard it knocked it over.

My mom glared at him while Callum avoided all eye contact since he did rile my dad up a lot.

My mom sighed and shook her head. "You just love wasting money, don't you? Its whatever." She smiled at my dad, "Its Callum's birthday, no point in getting all mad."

Sylvia pouted, "But What now? The TV is broken so what should we do?"

Callum smirked, chirping up. "Well the rain and lightning stopped. I say: cold swimming."


Callum Is 17!!!! My BB is growing up 😢

Hope you enjoyed!!

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