The Obstacle Race!

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Before we start, congrats to Venomouskitty65 (You may remember him from when I stole his idea for Dream) for being the first to guess what Inko gave Izuku. Now onto the chapter.


And with that, the students set off. Almost 100 people in the same tunnel, the size of the tunnel getting smaller and smaller by the second, the fit getting tighter and tighter as well. The screams of determined students meshed together, turning into an amalgamation of echoing screeches. People were getting crushed tighter than a mama Midoriya hug when a cold chiil swept through the enclosed space.

And then, the screams got quieter, and soon enough, only one foot steps could be heard. Todoroki's.

The ground was frozen over, the feet of the students underneath the thick layer of ice. Todoroki was the first to exit the tunnel, running out as the crowd cheered, watching it all from the safety of their seats.

It wasn't long before the yelling gave way to new sounds, most notably the sound of ice breaking. Then, multiple people began exiting. Like Deku, who had simply ran through the ice with One For All, along with a heated Bakugo, who was propelling himself through the air with his explosions. Yaoyorozu launching herself with a pole, Mineta bouncing off his balls (lol), Iida and Ashido sliding on the ice with their quirks, and some just trying their best to not fall flat while slowly traversing the ice. Todorki was surprised that so many peoplr made it through with such ease.

Todoroki still had a clear lead however, so he didn't let it distract him. So he kept running onward until... the ground shook, stirring memories in a lot of the children. The ground opened up revealing a massive robot resembling the zero point robot from the entrance exams. Todoroki stopped in his tracks, just like everyone else, except he didn't show any fear.

"So this is what everyone had to deal with? Well that's unfortunate. They should've used something stronger." He said aloud as he placed his hand on the dirt, and a ring of ice surrounded him. He then shot his arm towards the robot and a huge wave of ice englufed the machine, leaving everyone speechless, except for Todoroki, who hadn't finished his previous statement.

"After all, my old man is watching." He then tried to run past the field by moving under the frozen giant, but that plan was shut down.

"Not so fast Todoroki!" Deku screamed, glowing from the effects of One For All. He held his arms out and closed his eyes. Some were watching, and others were trying to slip past, but no one, not even Todoroki was fast enough to get through before Deku brought his hands down. And to everyone's surprise, the robot crashed down as well, kicking up immense ammounts of dust.

"WOAH! THAT WAS UNEXPECTED!" Present Mic screamed, revealing himself as a shoutcaster to the Sports Festival.

"Yes, this does seem different." Aizawa said blandly, clearly not in the mood for shoutcasting.

Through the cloud, you could only see shadows, but some were moving. Suddenly, people began racing out of the dust, and past the other machines that had come to face them. Deku was running with a big smile on across his face, leaving his signaturegreen energy trail behind him, as Bakugo, Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida, and a few others that could outpace the robots. The others were left to fend for themselves.

While they ran they could see an approaching darkness, with small areas of land. The Fall. A canyon you must cross, where falling means elimination. They were given tightropes to use, but Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki didn't even consider them.

Deku powered up to 25%, Bakugo pointed his hands at the ground, and Todoroki began creating a moving piece of ice to stand on. When they reached the canyon, Bakugo launched a huge explosion to gain height and then blasted his way across, and Todoroki stood a top the ice wave, creating more to basically surf across, while Deku ran all the way up to the edge, and at the last possible moment, he jumped. He aimed towards on of the platforms, landed on said platform, amd jumped again, leaving a pretty big crack in it. This process repeated until...

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