All Might?

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The next 2 weeks were to spent by the students training for whatever challenges the Sports Festival may bring. They had been given nothing from the school regarding what they would be in for, so some were panicking, not knowing where or what to begin with. Some, on the other hand, were freaking out for other reasons entirely, such as the case of Deku. Not only did he have 2 new quirks he had to effectively work into his arsenal, he had trouble focusing because of the events that occurred within the U.S.J. Especially concerning All Might and the Nomu. The number 1 hero in the world was defeated, and it scared him.

Sitting on his bed lifting weights, he thought about his options. He wanted to ask All Might about it, but at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to bring it up. He wanted All Might to have a stress free recovery, and mentioning his defeat would probably cause stress, not to mention rubbing salt in his wounds. He switched to a heavier set, his mind switching to heavier thoughts as well. He thought about the consequences of both choices. If he didn't talk until after the recovery, which was to be concluded after the Festival, it would be better for All Might, Keeping him in a better head space would hopefully help his heroics as well, but it would leave Deku with his concerns going into the Festival and possibly hinder his performance due to his focus, and worry, not being on himself. But if he did talk with All Might as soon as he could, the roles could be reversed, affecting All Might's heroics negatively and Deku's performance positively. 

As his thoughts droned on, he realized they weren't stopping unless he made a decision. So, on account of curiosity and the will to make his predecessor proud, he made a decision.

He was going to talk to All Might.

He had to, because the impact on him would be far greater, considering this was his introduction to the world of pro's. So he set his weights on the floor, wiped the sweat from his body, and picked up his phone. He scrolled to All Might's name and dialed it, hearing the dial tone has he waited. 

"Young Midoriya! Hello!" All Might said as he answered. It was obvious to Deku that he was in his true form.

"Hi All Might. We... We need to talk about something. Can we meet up?" He said plainly. This was going to be a hard conversation to have, but he couldn't sugarcoat it if he wanted answers.

"Oh, uhh, okay. Meet me at beach park in 20 minutes, you know which one." All Might told him, a bit of worry painted into his voice.

"Okay." Deku responded simply. He then heard a click as the call ended. He leaned back and sighed, before standing and changing into his casual clothes. He told his mother that he would be leaving soon to meet with a friend. And in true fashion, she was hesitant at first, but agreed to it in the end. 

He left his home and began the walk to the beach park. Even though it was a bit chilly outside, he was sweating bullets. He tried to calm down, and even though he knew it was a fruitless effort, he kept at it. All the way to his destination. He realized he made it when he hit the rail overlooking the horizon, to distracted to notice it. He looked down and could make out a gold haired figure standing alone on the sand. 

He took in a deep breath, and stepped onto the sand.

In no time at all, he was standing right beside All Might, both of them reluctant to begin. The tension was unbearably thick, so All Might decided to breach the silence. 

"So, what did you want to talk about Young Midoriya?" He asked his successor.

"...What's happening to you?" Deku asked, ripping off the band-aid. It caught All Might off guard though.

"What do you mean?" He asked with an eyebrow raised, obviously avoiding the question. But Deku, even after all the stressing, was surprisingly confident.

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