The Relentless Beat

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The fight between the two heroes and Shockwave had only just begun, but the officers stationed outside of the bank had already fallen back, unable to withstand the force that escaped the reach of Avarice. The constant resounding energy made painted a clear picture of what had to be happening inside the building.

And on the inside, the situation was bad.

Though it had only been a single minute, it had quickly become clear that Shockwave held the advantage. He had only the battle to focus on. Jeanist had to worry about the stability of the building, the time limit given to him by Avarice, and the many unfortunate people still in the bank. Not to mention, he was completely outclassed in power.

Best Jeanist never really had a main offense - His quirk made that irrelevant by instantly capturing his foes - so having someone with the power to simply blast away his main attack made for a terrible match up. Not to say Jeanist was lacking, not at all. He was an incredible defensive fighter; His mobility was unmatched, pulling himself in any direction necessary with the threads of his stylish costume. He could also take a mean hit, pulling multiple threads into a dense bunch to take the brunt of an attack. 

However, that too was but a fleeting respite; His denim armor was growing thinner and thinner by the moment. 

Currently, Jeanist sat in a pile of rubble, being punched through half of a support beam. He wasn't there for long though, as he could hear the manic laughter quickly approaching. Acting fast, Jeanist sent his threads to the ceiling, wrapping them around and through the cracked material, before yanking himself up, while also flipping himself around vertically. Just in time to see the large rubble he was previously seated on get turned into a collection of pebbles. Shockwave had practically appeared from nothing, his speed created by propelling himself with the force of his wave. Unfortunately for him though, it gave him some pretty noticeable whiplash, temporarily destroying his reaction speed. 

And Jeanist did notice that.

 Before Shockwave could recover, he felt himself get dragged into the air. Jeanist tied the threads from his own arms to the threads of his enemy's back, pulling him up as he launched his fist down. Though physical offense wasn't his forte, he was still in remarkable shape (basically a necessity for a pro hero); Coupled with the opposing momentum of both men, it was no surprise when a resounding CRACK rang out in the bank, sending Shockwave careening into the floor as Jeanist released the threads connecting them.

As his feet touched the ground, he realized something was amiss: The ground had begun to rumble slightly. Shockwave, unfortunately, was still conscious, though he was reeling from that last attack. The pain made him conclude that Jeanist's experience would end up stealing victory from him, so he needed to reconquer the ground they've taken from him. 


With all four of his limbs, he doubled his efforts in overloading Avarice, who had actually activated All For One to stab the ground and hold himself in place with his tendrils. Something which greatly confused the phantoms of his other quirk.

"Hello Izuku Midoriya. Would you mind telling me how you are doing that?" A question was posed by the First.

"Huh? What're you talking about?" He responded with strained confusion. Who knew it was so hard to keep your arms from exploding while constantly absorbing energy with a quirk unfit for that purpose?

"The quirk you're digging into the ground with."

"Uhh, well... I've always been able to do this." He answered truthfully, surprising the seven listening. But before anymore questions could be asked or explanations given, Izuku let out a pained cry, the skin on his arms beginning to crack. An unspoken agreement between the eight was made to finish that later and focus on now.

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