U.S.J - Intro

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"...Or, you could just call it the U.S.J." Aizawa told his class, to which they erupted into cheer. This was the first type of Hero training they'd done in a while, and they were eager to get right to it. The moment the suitcases containing there costumes appeared, they vanished, already claimed by the owners. They walked outside to the buses with their teacher.

"Okay class, the teachers responsible for you at the U.S.J will be me and 13, All Might will join us later, so be ready for him." The class cheered once more before the resident stick in the mud piped up.

"ALL RIGHT EVERYONE! I HAVE CREATED AN OPTIMAL SEATING CHART FOR THE BUS! PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AND SIT IN THE CORRECT SEAT!" Iida told his class, who just groaned. They were used to this by now, but that doesn't mean it gets any less annoying.

They enter the bus and to the joy of the class, and the dismay of Iida, the bus has a completely different layout than Iida's "oPtImAl SeAtInG". Iida begrudgingly took a seat next to Deku, who was sat in the middle. Uraraka was more towards the back with the rest of the girls. Deku laughed at Iida's sour attitude, patting him on the back while telling him, "Maybe next time." Aizawa stepped onto the bus, sighed at the amount of noise, and got the attention of his students.

"We're gonna be on the bus for about an hour, so you can do what you want for now. But when we get to the U.S.J, you're gonna have a lot to do. A LOT!" He said again but louder to really help it sink in that this wasn't going to be all fun and games. "Here are the rules," The class groaned, not wanting to deal with rules right now, but Aizawa's threatening glare silenced them as he continued. "You can use your quirks since this is U.A property, but, if you get seriously injured, I'll pull you out immediately. When we arrive, 13 will tell you more about the exercise itself. That is all." He finished, and sat in the driver seat of the bus, grumbling about the fact he has to drive them. The moment the engine roared to life, the class started talking again. Talking about anything that comes to mind, their favorite heroes, their hero names (because they didn't know them because All Might called everyone 'Young Last name'), their families, and their quirks, especially Deku's. A quirk that steals other quirks, a mutation, and really powerful.

"So dude, how did you learn how to use it? You know, your quirk?" Kirishima asked Deku. He'd never heard of a mutation until Deku mentioned it, and after looking it up, he was awestruck that he'd become so skilled in using it. Deku smiled, knowing it was an opportunity to talk about his number 1 and number 2 favorite heroes. 

Hisashi and Inko Midoriya.

"Well, my parents did everything they could to make sure I could control it. We even found out that there was a villain with the same quirk! That's how we figured out the name, All For One. That's the name the villain went by too. Well anyways, anytime I figured out something new, my parents were the first to know, and they played a huge part in making me who I am. For a while, I was shunned by everyone, except them. I don't wanna even think about where I'd be without them." He said truthfully. His parents were a godsend to him. Hearing the story put a warm smile on the faces of those listening. Just then, Iida raised his hand.

"Dude you don't have to raise your hand to ask me a question!" Deku told him, cracking up at how serious his friend was. Iida nodded, and proceeded to ask his question.

"You mentioned a villain by the name of All For One, yes? I've never heard of any villain with that name." He stated, earning a few nods in agreement.

"Well yeah, the fact that he's even documented is a miracle. He was one of the first quirk users. According to what we read, he'd take or give quirks in exchange for that persons loyalty. He was a monster, but eventually, he just, disappeared." He said, getting some 'awws' from his friends. By now, more people were joining the conversation, so he decided to switch topics. 

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