The Festival Begins!

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- The Night Before The Festival -

Deku lay on his bed, practically dying of anticipation. The Sports Festival was the next morning. This would help shape his future in the world of heroes, he had to do good here! There would be more chances, but it would be better to get this so he has more experience sooner rather then later. He was about to go to sleep when he heard a knock at his door. He lazily brought himself up from the bed and walked to his door. He opened it and saw his mother, but strangely, she didn't have fear on her face like she usually would. Instead, she held a brave face, but you could feel the anxiety behind it.

"Mom? What are doing this late? And what's with the face?" He asked. Ink took a deep breath before responding.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Tomorrow's the big day after all!"  She said.

"Oh, thanks. I'm a bit nervous, but I think that's fine considering what's happening. What about you, how do you feel?"

"I'm okay. I know you can handle yourself. But, I need to get to the real reason I'm here." Inko says, dropping the brave face. Izuku can now fully see how nervous she is about this.

"Mom? Are you-"

"There is something I want to give you..."

- The Day Of The Sports Festival -

Deku woke up refreshed, surprising considering he didn't sleep much after the events of last night. He showered, ate a small breakfast, and put on his gym outfit. The Sports Festival was going to last all day, so it was all he needed. After that, he began his walk to school. What he wasn't expecting was to get a few cheers from passerby's, people excited to watch the Sports Festival knew he was going to be participating based on his clothes.

"Wow, if its like this now, imagine how its going to be at the real event." Deku thought to himself as he sheepishly sped up. When he made it to the gates of U.A, he was marveled by the scene in front of him. There was a large amount of people having fun before the Festival starts, and there were many others capitalizing on that, selling merchandise, food, toys, etc. There were even a ton of heroes, such as Mt. Lady, Death Arms, and Kamui Woods. There were more but those were the people that really stuck out to him. It wasn't surprising that so many heroes were going to be here, seeing as it was the best opportunity to scout for talent, and the Sports Festival was even more popular than The Olympics, so it wasn't to much of a shock to see people, but there was so much more this time!

He made his way to the waiting room, where he found the rest of his classmates, almost everyone of them greeting him at the same time. Some people such as Todoroki and Iida were somewhere else, Iida fulfilling his duty of class rep, and no one knew where Todoroki was. They all waited in silence, the stagnant atmosphere becoming less bearable every moment. Luckily though, they were saved when the door swung open, revealing Iida and Todoroki.

"Everyone! Get ready! We're about to enter the arena!" He exclaimed, making everyone let out a sigh of worry and relief. Then Todoroki stepped into the room.

"Midoriya!" He called, grabbing not just Deku's attention, but everyone else's as well. Todoroki didn't talk much, no less directly to his classmates, so what does he have to say? Deku stepped up to him, looking up slightly.

"Todoroki?" He asked simply.

"I'll get to the point. It's obvious that you have a connection with All Might, and while I don't know what it is, I know it does mean this; I'm going to beat you." He said plainly, his monotone voice showing no ounce of emotion, like it was a simple fact. It left everyone speechless, even while he walked away. Until Deku found his voice.

"Todoroki." Deku said sternly, making Todoroki turn to face him.

"I don't know why you feel this way, or why you're taking it so personally, but I'll play along. I'll bring my all, so you better bring yours, because I don't plan on losing." He threatened, his demeanor showing nothing but confidence, unusual from the nerdy and awkward guy he is most of the time. Todoroki said nothing, choosing to acknowledge his acceptance of war silently. Just then, Iida looked at the clock and cleared his throat.

"Okay 1-A! It is time to make our way to the arena! Please remember that this is a day to take seriously!" He said as he turned and exited. The class soon followed, no one daring to speak, not even the jokester Kaminari. The light at the end of the corridor grew brighter as they neared the arena.

Once they reached the end of the corridor, they were engulfed in a bright white before their eyes adjusted, and when they did adjust, the scene in front of them made them widen again. Even more people in the stadium then outside, as well as more pros. They continued to walk forward, the cheers not ending for even a moment.

Eventually they reached a large stage, revealing none other than the rated R hero Midnight. Looking as slutty as ever despite being a HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER.

"I can't believe she's wearing that at an event like this."

"I know right? That definitely isn't appropriate for school."

"I think you guys are delusional." Mineta says with drool leaking from his jaw dropped face.

"Welcome everyone... TO THE U.A SPORTS FESTIVAL!" Midnight announces into her microphone, causing the roaring crowd to increase in volume tenfold. 

"I, Midnight, will be the chief referee of the Festival! So lets stop talking and get to the fun! Starting wiiiiiith... An obstacle race!" Midnight yelled into the mic, eliciting the same reaction as her first announcement. She then turned to the students.

"But first, representing the students of class 1-A, Katsuki Bakugo!" Midnight yelled, confusing the students, except for Bakugo, who calmly walked to the stage as if he knew this would happen. He reached the stage, standing quietly in front of the mic, hands still in his pocket. Then he spoke.

"I just want to say... I'm going to win this." He asserts matter-of-factly, causing an uproar from the others first year classes. It was pretty clear now that he had just made 1-A enemies with, well, everyone. He turned around and began walking to the tunnel the race would begin at. During this walk, he barged into Deku, pausing for a moment.

"Use all the quirks you want Deku, I'll never let you beat me again." And with that, he picked up his stride. Deku began walking to, as did everyone else. While walking, Deku clenched his fists, more determined to win now more then ever.

They reached the tunnel and waited for the countdown.


And with that, the Sports Festival officially began.

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