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After extensive training with One For All, it could now be used in moderation, so Deku doesn't destroy his body while using it. He was grateful for everything he did with All Might, he was even introduced to one of his other teachers, Gran Torino, who was able to show him an even more proficient method of using OFA, 'Full-Cowling' which helped to increase speed and power. Unfortunately, he couldn't use but 10% of his strength with complete safety, but if he has to, he can use about 25% without breaking anything, but it hurts him a lot, so he only does it if he has to. He's also done some more training with AFO and the quirks he currently possesses, and since OFA is a stockpiling quirk, those are much stronger when he uses them with Full-Cowling.

Before Deku knew it, the 4 months of quirk training were over, and soon, it would be time for the U.A entrance exams, which made him nervously excited. He knew he could practically ace the written test, but the entrance exam(physical) was different every year, so he didn't know what to expect. But he was surprisingly confident he could pass, he couldn't explain the sudden appearance of confidence, but he was glad it found him, it helped calm his nerves. 

Then, the day was upon him. He stood outside the large building, gawking at it. The large stone walls, the giant hall of justice in the middle, and the beautiful gold letters on the top, 'U.A'. He was just standing there, looking kinda creepy actually, until mechanically, he started walking forward, not even really aware it was happening. As he slowly drifted closer to the building... he tripped. "Great" He thought, "I'm going to be trying to get into my dream school with a broken nose." He closed his eyes and waited for impact, but it never came. Confused, he opened his eyes to see the ground, but it wasn't coming towards him, and he couldn't feel the ground with his feet either. He looked down and noticed he was floating! He started to freak out, until a girls happy voice calmed him down.

"Hey! Sorry I used my quirk on you without asking, but I figured you wouldn't mind since it's better than face-planting! Haha!" The girl says while placing her fingers together and dropping him safely on his feet, her bubbly personality making Izuku blush since he doesn't talk to girls very often, so he was pretty embarrassed. "My name's Ochako Uraraka. Nice to meet yoooou..." She dragged the end, gesturing to the boy, who was still frozen, asking for his name. 

"... U-uhh, I-I-Izuku, Izuku Midoriya!" He accidentally yelled, startling Uraraka. "Ah! I'm sorry for yelling, I'm just on edge." He explained, calming her down a bit.

"Yeah, me too." She admitted.

"What course are you going to? I'm going for the hero course!" Izuku happily exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood a bit. It worked.

"Hey! Me too! I hope you make it. I hope I make it too." She said, matching his energy.

"Come on! With a quirk like zero gravity, there's no way you won't make it in." He smiled, but to his surprise, she looked confused.

"How'd you know what my quirk is?" Uraraka asked.

"Let's make it into the hero course, then I'll tell you!" He said, trying to encourage her a bit. She just sighed and started smiling again, causing Deku to blush a little.

"Fine, let's do it!" She says as she looks at her watch, then her eyes widen. "CRAP! WE GOTTA GO!" She yelled as she took off towards the building. Deku followed.

They reached the building and separated, going to their respected spots for the briefing about to be given by pro hero Present Mic. Deku would've fanboy'd if he wasn't in a building with others. Soon enough, they were being given the written exams. They had 2 hours to complete it, but Deku only needed 45 minutes, he wasn't the first to officially finish though, he was to nervous to be the first person turning theirs in, so he waited until a guy with navy blue hair and goofy looking anime glasses turned his in 5 minutes later. After the allotted time passed, some people were unfortunately told they did not pass, Deku was not one of them, but he felt sad for those who were. 

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