First Day

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Deku woke up to the blaring noise of his alarm clock, and unconsciously activated OFA and smashed it, then face palmed as he realized he now needed another. His day was going normally so far, shower, dressed, breakfast, etc. This is a week after the exams as well. When his mother went outside to get the mail, Deku could hear her squeal from inside. She ran back in, face-planted, and crawled to Deku, yelling "IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE!" over and over. Deku was a but confused, until he saw the letter in her hand, the wax stamp reading 'U.A.' making Deku start to panic a little. He thankfully calmed down enough to open the letter. Inside was a button thing, that was revealed to be a message when turned around. Deku found out he passed and celebrated with his mother. He also learned that All Might was going to be a teacher at U.A., which excited him to no end. 

The next day, he was sent the school's uniform, with a note saying he was in class 1-A with the homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, and that school would begin next week. That week passed in a blur, and before he knew it, he was standing in front of the mirror with the uniform on. His mother wished him luck, and he left, silently praying he would find Uraraka at U.A., or better yet, in his class, although, he didn't think he'd get that lucky. He was walking to the school quietly, and slowly too. He was nervous, like really nervous, and thankfully he wasn't sweating bullets somehow.  He finally arrived at the wall surrounding the giant building, as he walked in hesitantly. He made it to a big door with '1-A' written on it, and to his surprise, found the brown haired girl he was hoping to find.

"Uraraka!" He yelled to her a little to loud. When she turned to see him, he didn't like what he saw. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she'd been crying hard for a while, they also had dark bags under them as if she hadn't been sleeping. Her hair was a mess, like she hadn't bothered to do anything to it. And when she responded, her voice held sadness.

"Oh, hey Midoriya. You made it too?" She said while forcing a smile. Deku's mood was instantly brought down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, hoping it wasn't related to what he did, Unfortunately...

"It's just, since the entrance exams, I haven't been able to use my quirk. I made it and then this happens. I was hoping it would come back, but..." She stopped, unable to finish. She nearly started crying, until she heard Deku.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Uraraka. That uhh, that's my fault. Here, I'll fix that." He tells her, placing his hand on her should, the same glow radiating for a few moments before fading. She looks a bit surprised and confused, but when she places her fingers on her arm and begins to float, her eyes widen in shock and confusion. Before she could say anything though, Deku lets her know, "We'll be late if we just keep standing here. You'll learn how I did that when we introduce ourselves. But yeah, sorry." He said, walking into the room, Uraraka following behind. He immediately noticed some people, stone boy, acid girl, Iida (Doesn't know him yet), and Kacchan. He sighs when he realizes he sits directly behind Kacchan, who is currently being yelled at by Iida for having his feet on his desk. Deku just takes his seat and waits for the teacher. 

After a few minutes, the door opens, and something crawls in, looking kind of like an overgrown caterpillar. It sits up and is revealed to be a sleeping bag, containing none other than Shota Aizawa, a.k.a Eraserhead. He gets out of the bag and looks at the class before telling them, "Sit down and shut up." After they did just that, he continued. "I am your homeroom teacher, you can call me Mr. Aizawa. When I call your seat number, stand up here and introduce yourself and explain your quirks." He then begins calling desk numbers at random, starting with a short kid with purple balls for hair... We'll skip Mineta.

Next was a guy with red and white hair, split down the middle, with a nasty scar introduces himself. "Shoto Todoroki, my quirk is half-hot-half-cold. Ice from the right, fire from the left." He then left, his words having less emotion than Aizawa's. Deku began taking notes on his classmates. Because of the nature of his quirk, and because he was a nerd, he loved analyzing quirks. The class continued the cycle, and eventually the only one that hadn't went up was Deku. He really wasn't looking forward to it, he usually thought it was best to just use the strength quirk and pass that off as his. Hell, now he could us One For All and probably get away with it if it weren't for 2 people; Uraraka and Kacchan. Both of them could and probably would tell the class that it wasn't the case. But before he could think of a way to not tell about his true quirk, Aizawa snapped him out of his thoughts by calling him up extra loud this time. Deku wanted desperately to not tell about AFO, but he knew that if he was going to be friends with any of them, or even have them trust him, he'd have to speak the truth. So, with one last deep breath, he stood up, all eyes now on him, but 4 stood out above the rest, Uraraka and Kacchan. Uraraka wanted to know his quirk and Kacchan wanted the name.

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