Part 3~Abused?

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Severus wasn't sure what had just occurred as he knocked on the door. Madam Pomphrey motioned him inside. "Did you bring Draco Severus?"

"I did but I don't think Harry wants to see him right now." 

Lilly shot up in confusion. "But that's all Harry wanted? To see Draco? Why would he change his mind?"

Severus shook his head. He wasn't sure what to say. Could he really tell Lilly what he had just witnessed? "Poppy, could you do a mind scan on Harry? I don't think it will be wise to let him out of the hospital in his current state."

Everyone spun at that. James's mouth hung open. "You can't be serious!"

"No, I believe that is the name of the mutt. What I am is thinking objectively and right now the chance is that once Harry leaves this wing he will harm some of the students. Or more specifically, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan." 

James shook his head; he wasn't going to listen to this… this snake as he accused Harry of threatening other students. "My son isn't like that Snivellus!"

Snape's eyes darkened. "No, only you bully others. Listen, Potter, I just watched your son- my godson- promising to harm two others while laughing. I do not believe Harry is a bad person but he could be under the influence of a spell or head trauma. All I wish is for Poppy to check him over before he leaves." 

Sighing, James knew Severus was right. He stumbled back and sunk into a chair as Lily ran to his side. "He really wants to harm someone?"

"I believe his exact words were 'I'll show them. They won't ever mess with me again.' It's not something you forget your godson saying." Severus rubbed his eyes. This was too stressful. He had hoped to have a simple and calm day watching Quittach but no, life couldn't give him a break.

Madam Pomphrey watched the room with a calculating glance. "I think you should all go back to your rooms. I don't think Sirius will be able to keep your other children away much longer and I believe it best to find out the issue first. Severus, I would like to go over what you witnessed before you leave."

James wanted to stay but he was tired. Lily cautiously brought her hand to James's shoulder, giving him as much comfort as she could. James nodded, following his wife out the hospital wing. He stopped by Harry's bed, his eyes shining with tears. "Sleep well, Harry. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow." James placed a kiss on his son's forehead as Lily whispered her own goodbye. Remus nodded as he walked away.


"What is it, Poppy?" Severus knew that Poppy didn't just want to go over the event. The way she kept looking over a file told him there was something she wanted him to know.

"Severus... I think there is something wrong with Harry."

"I believe we're already established that."

Poppy scowled with a disappointed sigh, pushing the file towards the grumpy potions professor. "Just look at the photos."

Severus raised his eyebrow as he opened the paper file. His eyes widened at the images laid out in front of him. They all showed scars. From straight cuts and jagged ones, burn marks and carvings and one extremely noticed lightning-shaped scar. Lifting his head up sharply, Severus's face soured. "You can't be serious."

"Severus, I know how you must feel right now but you must stay calm. I found these scars while tending to Harry. Severus, you know I don't like jumping to conclusions but he must have gotten those scars from somewhere." 

"James may be a bully but he is not abusive and Lily wouldn't ever dream of such a thing."

"Which is why I don't want to jump to conclusions. I know you two are close, if you have seen anything, even the smallest thing before today, tell me."

"I have seen nothing because he is not abused. Do you really think I would let my own godson get abused?" Severus was not pleased, he could not believe what Madam Pomphrey was saying.

"Severus, look at it! No one just gets that many scars! He even has the word 'freak' carved into his back! What other explanation is there?!" Poppy was not happy, she understood why Severus was so against this idea but this wasn't going to help. "I don't want to fight, I just want to know if there is anything you have noticed."

Severus sighed. "I know Poppy. You only want to help but I've never seen anything. You really believe he was abused, don't you?"

"I cannot think of another explanation. It would explain why he reacted so badly to Lily touching him."

"How did we miss it? Why didn't he come to me, to us? We would have helped." Severus leaned over the desk, a broken expression in his eyes. 

"I don't know Severus, some of these scars go back years." Madam Pomphrey explained while shuffling the pages. "Is it possible... No, it couldn't."

"Couldn't what? You're not saying they've always been abusing him?! We would have known! We would have seen it, right? He never showed any signs, he wasn't reserved or distant. He got into the house where the fewest abused kids go for heaven's sake! It just can't be... " Severus knew he was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince Madam Pomphrey; however that hardly mattered now. He couldn't accept that he, Severus Snape, the house head of the Slytherins, the place where the most abused kids go, would miss whether or not his own ‘godson’ was abused. “James… He wouldn’t… When Harry became a Hufflepuff, you don’t think… Do you?”

"I don't think so. The majority of the scars predate Harry coming to Hogwarts. If anything, Harry coming here stopped the abuse."

"But that doesn't..." Severus stopped himself, closing his eyes with a groan. "They stopped because the second Harry stepped into Hogwarts he would be watched by a school body. They were afraid it would become obvious if he kept showing up with new scars. Oh gosh, what he must have gone through. We need to talk to him."

"I believe we are in agreement however there is one other thing we need to address." 

Severus groaned, he didn't want to address any more issues. "What is it, Poppy?"

"How can we be sure Harry is the only one? If James and/or Lily abuse their kids until they enter Hogwarts, that means Elizabeth and Jack would have gone through the same thing and Melvin will still be going through it." 

Severus hated the pit that filled his stomach. "We need to check on them!"

"I know. We'll talk to them tomorrow. For now, we should both get some sleep and check on Harry."

Nodding, Severus stood up again, walking out of the office. Harry was still asleep peacefully, half curled in on himself. Severus watched Harry for a moment. At first glance, he didn't look any different from any other day but the protective form and soft whimpers coming from the boy told him things were about to change. “Harry, why didn't you tell me? Don't worry. I’ll help you. You just have to ask and I’ll help you.” Severus brushed Harry's hair behind his ear before standing up.

He said a quick goodbye to Madam Pomprey before leaving. Madam Pomphrey gently refilled the glass of water on the bedside table before leaving herself.

"Sleep, Harry. You'll need all your energy for tomorrow. You sense it, the truth behind this place. Find all the secrets before the black sunsets and the blue moon rises. Every secret you speak out loud gives you more time, find all the secrets, or accept your fate. Find all the secrets, or watch them die."

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