Part 6~Wolf

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Leaning over the pocket watch, Harry narrowed his eyes. "They're names," he muttered, moving the magnifying glass closer. "Each has a small name on them but... it's hard to read."

Scoffing slightly, Nevile crossed his arms. "That's so useful. What do names have to do with you getting home?"

Scowling at Nevile, Harry slammed the pocket watch down. "How am I meant to know?! I think when we get all the hands to go to the other side, I'll go home and 'your Harry' can come back here." Harry huffed, fidgeting with the pocket watch slightly. "If you think this world is real-"

"It is," Nevile interrupted, receiving a harsh glare from Harry.

"Fine, if this world is real, does that mean your Harry is in my world? No offence but if that's true he's going to die... and ruin my rep. My poor reputation is so going to be destroyed."

"Is that really what you're worried about? Your reputation?"

"Well, yeah. I spent years building up that reputation." Harry puffed out his chest proudly as Nevile shook his head.

"From what you said earlier, it didn't seem you liked being the evil snake. Maybe my Harry could help change that view." Nevile smiled at the thought of his Hufflepuff Harry trying to systematically befriend everyone in the school and dispel the notion of him being evil.

"Good luck to him! I gave up doing that a long time ago. As long as no one messes with my friends, I don't care what they think."

Snickering, Nevile covered his mouth, trying and failing to suppress the laugh bubbling up from the back of his throat.

"And what's so funny?!"

"Nothing, it's just... that sounds like something a Hufflepuff would say. You're very loyal, aren't you?"

Blinking, Harry reeled back as if he had been burnt. "Did you just call me a Hufflepuff?! How dare you?! I am not a Hufflepuff! I am sneaky and ambitious and-"

"Loyal," Nevile interrupted again, startling Harry. His cheeks burnt as he hid his head. Nevile chuckled, unable to contain his amusement. His laughs were cut short when someone shoved him aside. Harry lifted his head in confusion, seeing the person glaring down at them.

"Blaise?" Harry felt a surge of relief at the familiar face. Blaise had always been his second favourite guy- after Draco of course.

Blaise was not having the same thoughts. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there. I would give you a hand but I wouldn't want to dirty my hand." Blaise held his head higher, glaring at Nevile who scoffed and pushed himself up.

"Let us alone, Zabini." He retook his sheet, ignoring Harry's questioning gaze. "Don't you have a first-year to bully?"

Huffing, Blaise moved in to Harry's personal space. "What?! You don't want to spend time with me. Oh, I'm sorry. Am I ruining one of your little dates? That is the only reason Gryffindors like you ever come to a library after all. Looking for a quiet corner?" Blaise raised his head, a scowl on his face. "Disgusting fa-"

Blaise couldn't finish when Harry pushed him away. Grabbing his stuff silently, Harry grabbed Nevile and dragged him behind him. Just before leaving the library, Harry turned back to Blaise, a dark glare on his face. "Don't ever say that again or you will regret it."

Blaise flinched, stumbling back and falling to the ground. Smirking in stratification, Harry turned and left the library. Nevile stared at him slightly as Harry sighed.

"I've never seen Blaise act like that. He usually acts with such honour and caring." Harry rubbed his arm for a second, thinking his words over. "It was weird."

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