Part 10~Blaze

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“Nevile… Do you think we should be doing this?”

Nevile lifted his head, a confused expression on his face. “Yes? It’s due tomorrow.”

“I wasn’t talking about that!” Harry scowled, throwing the nearest pillow at Nevile’s head.

Ducking under the normal projectile, Nevile sighed, putting down his pen. “You’re not going to let me work until you’ve finished, are you? Fine. What are you questioning this time?”

“Do you think we should be collecting everyone's secrets?”

“If it gets you home, yep. I want to see my Harry again.”

“But, the secrets… It doesn’t feel right to gather them. They’re getting more personal. More than just heritage and gardening. It just doesn’t feel right.”

“It getting too much for the big bad Slytherin to handle.” Nevile grinned, glancing at Harry as he pushed himself up.

“Just 'cause I’m a Slytherin doesn’t mean I don’t have a moral code.” Walking out of the dorms, Harry sighed. He did not want to return to the founder dorm and was not going anywhere near the Hufflepuff hell whole of plants and leaves for as long as possible.

Gryffindor dorms were a no-go and he didn’t know any good hiding spots. He did not want to go to a classroom, too many horny teenagers made that a dangerous gamble. Which left… Well fuck. He was not going to the Slytherin dorms.

He was not that stupid. He was not that homesick. He was totally not doing that as he bribed the snakes to let him in.

A few mice later and a thrilling conversation about snake politics and Harry was in. He cast a quick spell, keeping his presence secret as he walked around the familiar area.

He let out a sigh of relief, the pressure lifting from his shoulders until he felt completely at home once more. Curling up at the back, he brought out the familiar book. It was a little weird. The one from his world was worn, the binding barely holding together from all the nights he spent reading it.

It lost the grammar corrections that Draco had written in and no longer had the stupid doodles in the corner that Pancy had added, illustrating each page but regardless, it still made him feel at home. As the night kept going, Harry found his eyes drooping close until he fell asleep in his chair.


“Harry? What are you doing?” Snape stared at Harry in confusion as the boy groaned, turning to the side, the book falling from his hand. Snape tilted his head in confusion, lifting the book off the ground.

He flipped it over in his hand, confused as he poked Harry’s side.

“Harry, wake up.”

Harry scowled, glaring at Snape. “You were a lot funnier when you just let me sleep where I wanted.”

“I’ve never done that.” Snape sighed, glancing around. “How did you even get in here?”

“Oh trust me, this isn’t the hardest dorm to get in without a password. Hufflepuff is terrible to gain access to. Can’t reason with barrels.” Harry rubbed his eyes, yawning as he pushed himself up.

“Why would you need to?”

Harry shrugged, standing up. “Can I have my book back?”

Snape hesitated before holding the book out for Harry to take. Harry slid the book into his bag, standing up as he walked to the door.

“And where do you think you’re going? You’ve broken into the Slytherin common room, I cannot ignore that.” Snape crossed his arms as Harry chuckled, glancing over his shoulder.

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