Part 19~Aura

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Standing outside the dark door, Nevile was starting to have second thoughts. "Something tells me this is a bad idea."

"Probably." Harry grinned, linking arms with Nevile. "But we have no choice, and on the bright side, if it works, only you'll get detention." He stepped forward, knocking on the door loudly.

They did not receive an answer.

"Now what?" Nevile glanced at Harry, who was grinning too widely. "Oh god, it's that smile again. You don't have more snakes, do you?"

"Nope. But I've wanted to do this for years." Harry lifted his hand, touching the door. "As the heir of Slytherin, I command you open." The door glowed green, flashing before swinging open. Harry spun to face Nevile, who had paled dramatically.

"Yeah, I can't wait for the day I never see that grin again."

"Come on." Harry let go of Nevile, rushing into the quarters. "Woah, your Severus's quarters are very different from the one I've been in before." Unlike the dark, black and green quarters Harry was used to, this was actually bright. It seemed pretty standard, just with a soft jade carpet Harry wished the other Sev had.

Nevile raised his eyebrow, following Harry inside. "You've been in Snape's quarters before? Why?"

"He's Dray's godfather and one of the few people who like me. He often helped me after my family abandoned me."

Nevile glanced at Harry, rubbing his arm. "Yeah, I should probably stop bringing that up."

"Not at all. I don't really care. It's in the past, and everything we're doing is about getting home for the future, right?"

"You don't sound so sure about that."

"Well, can you blame me? I am destroying a lot of lives."

"I think you've been helping a lot more than you've harmed."

Laughing, Harry covered his mouth. "How you'd figure that one, by my insistent need to belittle you?"

"Let's see You've helped Hagrid grow better plants, helped Luna gain a friend and more confidence to go out and talk to people, stopped Blaise from being a dick, and helped Cedric with his dog thing. Jack is more comfortable with Iris now and has plans to tell his dad, and you've helped Mel be more comfortable in being furry, and Liz is talking to the snakes again. You've helped people; face the facts, boy."

"I resent that implication." Harry glared at Nevile as he drifted around the room.

"Let's see, hardworking, loyal and caring. You're a Hufflepuff, through and through." Nevile grinned as Harry scowled at him. "You are, and you can't deny it!"

"Will you please stop?" Harry sighed, glancing at the photos hanging from the wall. He had to hold in the snicker, spotting the picture of Severus looking after a young Draco, both covered in grime and mud. Draco seemed utterly proud of himself as Severus scowled and grimaced. Laughing, Harry put the photo back. "Your Sev is such a sweetie."

"He's not."

"But he is."

"He torments us."

"But I torment you, and you say I'm a sweetie."

"No, I say you're a Hufflepuff. I said nothing about you being sweet."

"Huh, touche." Harry paused, his eyes narrowing on the small light peering out of the door frame. "What that" Pushing on the door, Harry gasped. He rushed forward, whistling for Nevile. "Go get Poppy!"


"Get Poppy!"

Nevile squeaked, spinning around as he charged out of the quarters.

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